Topic: WorldNetDaily
Remember last month when WorldNetDaily cited an anonymous poll claiming that Hillary Clinton was losing support among Jewish voters? We called BS on it. It's time to go there again.
Jerome Corsi writes in a Sept. 13 WND article:
Hillary Clinton has stage-three Parkinson’s disease and suffers from seizures, according to three sources who have had a personal relationship with the Democratic Party presidential nominee.
The sources, who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, explained that her seizures or dizzy spells can be triggered by being out in the sun, such as apparently occurred Sunday when she was videoed collapsing as she was escorted into her limousine in New York City.
We call BS.
First, given that Corsi is a notorious Clinton-hater -- just check out his book "Partners in Crime," which is flopping so badly WND is begging people to buy it in bulk -- so it's highly unlikely, if not impossible, that anyone with a "personal relationship" with Hillary would deign to talk to him, let alone the "three sources" that he claims who can somehow identify the exact stage of Parkinson's that Hillary purportedly has.
Second, Corsi is also a known liar, so it's not unreasonable to believe he's making this up as well. And WND is in deep financial trouble, and it may very well be desperate enough to gin up a fake story to generate clicks.
Corsi also mentioned in his article a WND article the day before, in which Bob Unruh touts two doctors who also speculate that Hillary has Parkinson's, but a close look reveals that to be kind of bogus as well.
Unruh first cites an anonymous "board certified internist" published at the right-wing Powerline blog. Powerline insists the doctor is "prominent," but is also making "admittedly speculative comments." The second actually has a name, Ted Noel, who "assembled a 16-minute video explaining that the evidence suggests she has had Parkinson’s and has known about it, for several years."
But a look at Noel's website, Vidzette, reveals an agenda: "Our purpose is to show the world how unfit Hillary Clinton is for office." It also provides a big reason not to believe him: "Much of VidZette will be parody or caricature in nature." Here's a screenshot of Noel's website stating that:
So, more BS. Exactly what we'd expect from Corsi and WND.