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Tuesday, August 23, 2016
We Call BS on WND's Secret Jewish Poll
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An anonymously written Aug. 20 WorldNetDaily article states:

Jews vote Democrat.

It’s a fact of political life. It has been a given for decades. But it may not be true for Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to internal polls by an outside group that supports the former secretary of state for the presidency.

Here are the surprising numbers – 54 percent approval, 45 percent negative.

To put that in perspective, her numbers when the poll was conducted last May are worse among likely Jewish voters in 2016 than was Jewish support for Barack Obama four years earlier when he was running against Mitt Romney.

The poll also showed Jews had higher regard for Vice President Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Bernie Sanders, though the Jewish senator from Vermont was only slightly higher than Mrs. Clinton.

The only thing more anonymous than the WND reporter who wrote this is the source of the alleged poll. "Internal polls by an outside group that supports" Clinton is a meaningless description that says nothing.

WND has not earned the credibility (let alone regained the credibilty it has lost over the years) to not only promote an effectively anonymous poll but also to hide behind an anonymous writer in doing so. If it were a legitimate poll, WND wouldn't have to hide where it came from.

It's a BS story about a BS poll. It's that simple. And it's yet another reason why WND is in deep financial trouble.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:03 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 8:50 AM EDT

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