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Tuesday, June 17, 2014
WND's Geller Slurs Rabbi As A 'Kapo'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Pamela Geller, it seems, really can't handle criticism. She writes in her June 15 WorldNetDaily column regarding a Washington Post article on her latest anti-Muslim transit ad campaign:

She even added that “Rabbi Charles M. Feinberg, Congregation Adas Israel, said that because of Geller’s ‘vicious’ ads, Muslims are ‘being yelled at and disrespected.’”

Shame on “Rabbi” Charles M. Feinberg. What a betrayal of his people. What has he done to combat the vicious Islamic texts that are responsible for the unimaginable death toll of Islamic Jew-hatred over the past 1,400 years? What has this tool said or done about the vicious jihad against the Jews and the Jewish state? One can only imagine what these Islamic supremacists say about this kapo when he leaves the room.

As we noted when Ben Shapiro did the same thing to Rahm Emanuel, "kapo" is a derogatory to "a Nazi concentration camp prisoner who was given privileges in return for supervising prisoner work gangs: often a common criminal and frequently brutal to fellow inmates."

So, for simply pointing out the  meanness of Geller's crusade, Feinberg is denigrated as a Nazi and suggesting he's not a real rabbi. It's as if Geller said, "Vicious? You wanna see vicious? How does smearing a Jew as a Nazi fit ya, fancy pants?"

Mission accomplished. Geller simply can't take criticism.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 AM EDT

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