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Thursday, May 29, 2014
WND Remains A Fact-Free Zone For Birther Conspiracy Theories
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily is a world where the most ridiculous claims about President Obama's birth certificate have never been challenged and WND's crediiblity hasn't been irrevocably ruined by peddling increasingly outlandish claims about the president.

Which explains why WND's Unruh still considers Donald Trump to be a credible source on birther conspiracies. Unruh writes in a May 28 article:

Billionaire Donald Trump has revealed he offered Barack Obama a $50 million donation to the president’s favorite charities in exchange for releasing his personal records, but Obama never responded.

“I would take it, and I’d give it to Chicago charities, and I would give it to all sorts of charities,” Trump said at a recent appearance at the National Press Club. “And they can use the money.”

Trump originally offered to give $5 million to Obama’s pick of charities if he would release his college and passport records.

WND reported that Trump wanted to know the place of birth Obama claimed when applying for college admission and aid.

But there was no deal.

Unruh doesn't mention any evidence Trump offered to back up his claim. Instead, he rehashes Trump's previous birther rantings and recycles the WND version of birther history, which conveniently omits the fact that most of it has been discredited.

Is Unruh really that lazy of a reporter, or is he so far in the WND bubble that the truth can't reach him anymore?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:25 AM EDT

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