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Wednesday, October 9, 2013
WND's Farah Conspiracy-Mongers About Shooting Outside Capitol
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah writes in his Oct. 6 WorldNetDaily column:

I wonder if Holder will zealously pursue charges against the Capitol police for riddling with gunfire the car and body of a young mother and black dental hygienist, Miriam Carey, whose baby was with her at the time.

I kinda doubt it.

Did Miriam Carey break the law? Yes.

Did she have a bad driving day? Yes.

Did she make some very bad decisions? Yes.

But did she try to kill anyone? I have not seen any evidence to that effect.

It sounds to me like she freaked out because she was surrounded by men pointing guns at her and her baby.

Should the police think twice about pointing guns at people in such situations? Maybe.

Should the police think twice about firing their weapons at a car that might be carrying an innocent child? Yes.

Should the police think twice about using an execution-style firing squad on an unarmed woman when she finally exits her vehicle? Yes.

Should Farah think twice before engaging in such conspiratorial speculation? Yes.

Farah's admonition about the police "firing their weapons at a car that might be carrying an innocent child" is nonsensical. He seems not to understand that every car "might be carrying an innocent child," and he offers no evidence that police had any reason to suspect a child was in the car in the first place.

We suspect that Farah would advise police to be less reticent about shooting a suspect if said suspect "might be" a Muslim.

Such paranoiac ranting is of a piece with his house attorney, Larry Klayman, who declared that the police who shot and killed Carey were "Obama's henchmen." No wonder Farah keeps such an obviously incompetent lawyer on the WND payroll.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:43 PM EDT

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