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Monday, August 12, 2013
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Obama also said he was considering undertaking a program that would help young blacks to improve their self-image. Apparently, he is unaware that in America, studies have shown that young black kids have such an inflated opinion of themselves that no other group even comes close. That shouldn’t come as too big a surprise. After all, the individual who holds himself in the highest possible regard is none other than the narcissist in the Oval Office.

-- Burt Prelutsky, July 30 WorldNetDaily column

President Obama has found a new way to foist communism upon the American people that I would like a lot, if I liked communism. Instead of the direct approach he’s used up to now – which translates into, “It’s time we tried what failed in Russia and 36 other countries since 1918!” – Obama speaks about American capitalism like the beloved family horse too tired to plow any more, or the way the CEO who won the power struggle speaks about his fallen rival at the latter’s “resignation” dinner.

-- Barry Farber, July 30 WND column

And let’s all be honest here; more of us believe in the American hero Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s thorough investigation into your phony birth certificate and phony history than the phony media’s smoke and mirrors.

-- Ted Nugent, July 31 WND column

Didn’t the man who is president tell us that al-Qaida is on the run – something he took pride in accomplishing – so, what happened?

Did Obama lose control of his friends in the Muslim world?

Didn’t he tell them that we mean no harm and that while they might want to celebrate the end of their holy month of Ramadan, putting out what spears to be a “shoot to kill” fatwa on the rest of the world is not a civilized way to celebrate?

Apparently not, and it appears that our leader, the president, the commander in chief, has been totally silent on this massive threat to the world.

-- Barbara Simpson, Aug. 4 WND column

Those of us who don’t have a mistress like Marilyn Monroe to sing to us celebrate birthdays by blowing out candles.

But you have extinguished the lights of those who could adorn your cake, Mr. Obama.


What a shame. You could have had quite a birthday cake. I guess your day will be rather dark, like a lot of children’s birthdays around the U.S. for your policies of demise and death. I would say “Happy Birthday,” but how could you be happy knowing what you have done? I wish you a very deep, dark, gut-wrenching moment of clarification today, Mr. President. I wish you a moment so clear that you can see what you have done and begin to change it. I wish you a moment of hope and change, Mr. President. We can’t bring all of the 230,611,417 lights back, but we can hope for change next year. No, I don’t wish you a happy birthday at all.

-- Gina Loudon, Aug. 4 WND column

As for those who are terrified that Obama is going to round them up and toss them into what the North Vietnamese used to call re-education camps, I suggest they use me the way coal miners use canaries to check for poison gas fumes. So long as I, who have devoted five years of articles and six months of weekly webcasts to insulting Obama, am still walking around loose, you probably have nothing to worry about.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Aug. 6 WND column

We are now past the midway mark of Obama’s authoritarian presidency. It is hard to point to any one single failure (foreign or domestic) of Obama’s as the absolute most damaging, because his vow to “transform” America has resulted in myriad failures, including a number that are catastrophic. That’s not sarcasm or hyperbole; it’s a terrible reality that we (and our children) will have to live with.

-- Pamela Geller, Aug. 6 WND column

Never will I forget the Obama election ploy in 2008 of enlisting innocent Jewish grandchildren up north to go south on their allowance money or their summer earnings money or their Bar-Mitzvah money to cuddle up and convince Grandma and Grandpa in Florida that they’d studied the whole case and it was absolutely the best deed for the survival, security and prosperity of Israel to vote for Obama.

I think the Obama team called it “Operation Shalom,” or some other such clever obscenity.

You’re late by a generation and a half, Obama. We Jews are no longer seduced by enemies of the Jews who can mouth a few words of Hebrew or Yiddish. Adolf Eichmann, Hitler’s hands-on architect of the “Final Solution” of the “Jewish Question” spoke fluent Hebrew!

-- Barry Farber, Aug. 6 WND column

The gun culture is dying, slowly but surely. It is dying by design. This death is not natural.

It is murder, and the murderer is Barack Hussein Obama.

-- Phil Elmore, Aug. 7 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:39 PM EDT

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