Topic: WorldNetDaily
Chelsea Schilling's Aug. 5 WorldNetDaily attack on Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan is rather desperate and silly, starting with the headline "The pampered, good life of Fort Hood shooter":
Nearly four years after Islamist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allahu akbar!” (“Allah is greater!”) and brutally murdered 14 people (including an unborn baby) and injured 30 others at Fort Hood, Texas, he now receives free helicopter rides from the local jail nearly every day, lives in a private room built to accommodate his medical needs, wears a beard against Army regulations, travels with his own security detail, has received numerous trial delays and collects a full salary of about $80,000 a year – all while many of his victims say they’ve been forgotten.
Yes, we know Hasan's a horrible person who likely deserves the death penalty he will likely get for the shootings, but come on. Being a paraplegic (which Schilling mentions nowhere in her article) in prison is hardly anybody's idea of a "pampered, good life."
Despite Schilling portraying Hasan's "free helicopter rides" as some kind of fun perk the Army hands out to people who commit massacres, it's actually part of the security measures being undertaken for Hasan's trial. Certainly Schilling wants Hasan to survive his trial so he can be properly executed, right?
And Hasan has continued to receive his salary because it's military procedure, not because it's giving Hasan special treatment (some are trying to change this policy). It's not like he can go anywhere to spend it, anyway.
But Schilling is not done complaining yet:
Hasan, 42, is facing 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder at his trial begins Tuesday. The New York Times reported the Army has spent more than $5 million on Hasan’s case and secured the courthouse with massive sand-packed barriers to protect him from explosions.
The Army has paid for Hasan’s military defense lawyers, paralegals and experts for his defense. Hasan also enjoys a heavily guarded trailer near the courthouse. The court-martial is expected to last at least a month.
No other inmate at the Bell County jail is treated the same way.
Perhaps because other inmate at the Bell County jail (allegedly) killed 14 people and needs that level of security.
It seems that Schilling -- who has a long trail of error at WND -- didn't think about such things before writing this article.