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Monday, February 24, 2014
WND's Flaherty Falsely Attacks Google's Motive For Not Supporting His Race-Baiting
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Colin Flaherty gets his facts wrong at the very beginning of his Feb. 19 WorldNetDaily column:

Google doesn’t like stories about black mob violence. So it recently decided to stop sending its ads to accompany the WND stories about this largely secretive topic.

Actually, Google has determined what Flaherty refused to admit: His obssesion with "black mobs" has a lot more to do with race than it does with concern about crime, and it doesn't want to be involved in such a race-baiting endeavor.

Then, as if to prove how race-obsessed he is, Flaherty offers "a few suggestions to help Google in its quest for racial cleansing":

First, Google should block the results for anyone who enters the term “black mob violence” into its ubiquitous search engine.

There are lots of other phrases to block too: I use them in Google News Alerts to get a heads up on new episodes of racial mayhem.

Here’s a partial list of the phrases I follow like bread crumbs: Unruly teens, rambunctious teenagers, roving bands of youth, random attack, assault with no pattern, violence for no reason, large groups of people fighting, mob violence, bash mob, flash mob, black beach week, black expo, caught on camera, critical race theory, looting, Memorial Day assault, fireworks fight, teen violence, white privilege, and many, many more.

But by far, the most reliable indicator of racial violence comes from Google News Alerts about any story containing the phrase “large fight.”

Better block it.

There’s a lot of racial violence out there. So Google has a lot of work to do. I don’t like its chances.

There are too many videos, too many witnesses, too many victims, too many stories, too many people tired of being prisoner to this untruth to allow the epidemic of black mob violence to stay a secret any more.

Whether Google likes it. Or not.

Never mind that Flaherty has never proven an "epidemic of black mob violence" beyond his cherry-picked anecdotes taken out of context of the entirety of crime in the U.S. And never mind that Flaherty, not Google, is the one who's very concerned about "racial cleansing."

Flaherty is not the only WND writer to opine on the Google-WND battle, despite the fact that it has been solved by WND capitulating to Google and, in essence, admitting the race-baiting nature of Flaherty's reporting. A Feb. 21column by Willie Shields takes the same approach of falsely portraying Google's objections to Flaherty's race-baiting:

The smartest people in the world work at Google.

So if Google had a problem with the way WND and Colin Flaherty write about black mob violence, it should have taken one of its brainiacs about half a second to show they are wrong.

But they can’t. Because WND and Flaherty are not.

Instead Google is trying to inhibit these stories from being published by banning Google ads from them.

Nothing is keeping WND from publishing Flaherty's race-baiting -- Google has chosen not to be a part of it, and as we've noted, there are plenty of other ad delivery services that don't have a problem with race-baiting.

Shields is described as "a writer and radio talk show host in Wilmington, Del." Unmentioned by WND: Shields has been a guest on Flaherty's radio show, and Flaherty has cited Shields in a column at the right-wing American Thinker. So he's hardly an impartial observer.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:04 PM EST

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