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Saturday, February 15, 2014
WND Revives Zombie Lie About Jamie Gorelick
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Aaron Klein writes in WorldNetDaily's non-bombshell about a business arrangement between the IRS and the Urban Institute that Jamie Gorelick is on the Urban Institute's board of trustees, adding: "Gorelick is also reportedly the official blamed for the pre-Sept. 11 “wall of separation” that prevented the CIA and FBI from comparing investigation notes."

Jack Cashill tries to pile on Gorelick in his Feb. 12 WND column: "In 1995, she went on to pen the infamous 'wall' memo that prevented intelligence agencies from sharing information in the run-up to September 11."

That's nothing but a zombie lie. As we have amply documented,  the "wall" was actually created in the late 1970s and was reaffirmed by the George W. Bush administration shortly before 9/11. Gorelick's memo merely detailed procedures that she said permitted a freer exchange of information between criminal and counterterror investigators than had been allowed under the Reagan and first Bush administrations.

But then, WND loves its zombie lies.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:55 AM EST

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