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Friday, November 1, 2013
Molotov Mitchell Joins WND's Fainting Trutherism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Molotov Mitchell is a birther, so why wouldn't he believe that a woman who fainted during an Obama speech was staged?

Indeed, ol' Molotov was ranting that very thing in his Oct. 29 WorldNetDaily video:

The fainting woman has become part of Barack Obama's schtick, if you will, a subtle homage to Elvis Presley perhaps, because nothing says you're loved by the people like women fainting at the sound of your voice.

I searched on YouTube and found five other incidents where Barack Obama had had a fainting person interrupt one of his speeches. But that doesn't mean that it's necessarily phony. What is strange is how he knew to turn around just as she was fainting.

Look at this video. How does he know that she's fainting? Is his messiah sense tingling? I mean, look, the guy on the right doesn't even see her falling, yet Barack Obama, a little focused on this important speech, he somehow knows that she's fainting without even facing her. And he doesn't just notice that she's falling, he turns around just in time to catch her. Again, the guy next to her can't even do it.

And notice how he speaks to her, saying "I got you" by turning his face toward the microphone so everybody else can hear what he's saying. Why doesn't he say "I got you" to her? And then notice after the whole thing's over how he goes back up and waits in silence for his people in the crowd to go ahead and initiate the applause. Totally phony!

WND has already been promoting this little conspiracy theory, so we shouldn't be surpised that Mitchell would join the fun.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 AM EDT

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