[Terry] Lakin tells his story in his new book, “Officer’s Oath,” now widely available. In the full disclosure department, I helped him tell it.
If Obama reads this memoir – one fully devoid of fabrications, by the way – he may begin to understand what honor means. If he pardons Terry, he may begin to regain some of his own.
If Newsweek can dub President Barack Hussein Obama, as it did on a recent cover, “the first gay president” because of his affinity for gays and their agenda, he deserves even more the mantle of “the first Muslim president” for the same reason.
Obama wants to trace the movement of farm animals but not illegal aliens; he wants to I.D. every farm animal to protect the public health but does not want to I.D. voters to protect the integrity of elections.
With the memory still fresh that the 2000 presidential election was decided by a handful of voters in Florida, the determination of who gets to vote in 2012 could decide who will be the next president.
For quite a while now, I’ve referred to President Barack Obama as a communist – not a progressive (which he has said he is), a liberal or a socialist – but a communist. It only made sense, given that the man was bred, raised and mentored by communists, employed and was employed by communists, eagerly fraternized with communists and diligently studied communism throughout his entire adult life. Even if one ignores his life before political office, there’s certainly enough remaining evidence of Obama’s communistic bent, most notably his “crowning achievement” of Obamacare and his administration’s insinuation into American industry. I believe in telling it like it is, and I see no reason to soft pedal communism for the sake of professional decorum – and certainly not for political correctness.
I would suggest that Barack Obama is our own Cardiff Giant. The people – particularly white Americans – were eager to be deluded by a black man who promised to absolve them of their historical guilt. In vowing to be the first post-racial president, this man, half white/part Arab, gave the impression that a vote for him would automatically erase a shameful history that included two centuries of slavery and roughly one century of Jim Crow laws.
But just like those other two earlier frauds, he was nothing more than a humbug that had been cobbled together in a Chicago cellar by certain interested parties, including the likes of David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and George Soros.
And just as their ancestors had done, large numbers of gullible Americans lined up to hand over their quarters and half dollars, not to mention their votes, and gaze in wonder at the big phony.
Obama’s remarks at Roanoke, Va., on July 13, 2012, were more than a faux pas.
With these remarks, Obama has come out of the closet as a most odious collectivist, who believes religiously that government predation is a condition for production. Or, put simply, that the parasite created the host.
With his near-religious repetition of the “you didn’t build that” dogma, the president of the United States demonstrated his irrational faith in the statist principle of compulsory cooperation.
What we hear as an excuse is this cynical argument: If Obama loses the election in November, impeachment is unnecessary. And if he wins, impeachment is impossible because Republicans will be accused of “sour grapes.” Both statements are wrongheaded and surprisingly naïve.
To put that question in more concrete terms, ask yourself this: If Obama loses the election on Nov. 6, do you trust him and his lame-duck Congress to govern the nation in a constitutional manner for the 10 weeks between his defeat and the inauguration of his successor on Jan. 20, 2013? If you answered “no!” then you must also agree that it is imperative to remove him as soon as possible.
Yes, we all understand that the present Democrat-controlled Senate will never take up an impeachment resolution even if one were passed by the House. But Justice Roberts would say that is irrelevant. Impeachment is a necessary and proper step when the Constitution has been violated, regardless of the political prospects for success of the indictment.
Is there adequate evidence to warrant a serious, formal impeachment investigation by the House Judiciary Committee? Yes, absolutely, and committee Chairman Lamar Smith ought to start that process immediately.
There is an avalanche of evidence that Obama has committed numerous crimes against the Constitution.
While Obama and the Democratic Socialist Party today may not be doctrinaire Marxists, they are indeed socialists and belong to a political strand of Marxist-Leninism euphemistically referred to as “Western Marxism” and “Cultural Communism.”
Unlike Bolsheviks – who systematically and systemically utilize terrorism and violent tactics to obtain absolute power, progressing from democracy or monarchy to then impose socialism as a stepping stone towards communism – Western Marxists like Obama exploit the trappings natural to democracy to contrive getting elected and then mercilessly exploit the reins of political power. Next, Western Marxists seek to immediately institute a torrent of radical reforms, regulations and legislation, thus propelling society inevitably into a welfare state, socialism and, if feasible, toward communism.
President Obama is a Western Marxist, a Western Leninist, that is, one of those who are known also generally as a Cultural Communists. According to Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist political theorists, once power is seized, the mask comes off and the ruler and his socialist minions revert back to their Bolshevik roots, as needed and, even, as convenient. Fomenting economic, political, religious, social and cultural chaos is key to maintaining his grip on power.
Noel Sheppard's Headline Cliches Go to Summer School Topic: NewsBusters
It's been a while since we tallied up Noel Sheppard's massiveoveruse of headline cliches at NewsBusters. Let's see how he's been doing the pasdt couple of months, shall we?
Matthew Sheffield did a very odd thing in a July 23 NewsBusters post: he touted something said by former hardcore rapper Ice-T. No, really -- but first, Sheffield has to obscure his identity somewhat:
He's not exactly a poster child but apparently rapper and heavy metal singer Tracy Marrow (stage name Ice-T) is a supporter of gun rights.
In an interview with a British television channel, Marrow stood up for the Second Amendment saying that the right to bear arms is "the last form of defense against tyranny" and not merely for hunting.
Sheffield is mum on Ice-T's career, which is probably a good thing because it might arouse the attention of the guy who runs NewsBusters, Brent Bozell.
That "heavy metal" career Sheffield alludes to is a band Ice-T fronted called Body Count, which perfomed a little ditty called "Cop Killer." In a 1997 column, Bozell called the song "nauseatingly violent."
Ice-T, meanwhile, doesn't appear to be too happy about his newfound fame as a right-wing poster boy. After Rush Limbaugh noted his remarks and condescendingly said he was impressed that Ice-T knew what "tyranny" meant, Ice-T responded by calling Limbaugh a "racist piece of shit."
Funny, Sheffield hasn't seen fit to mention any of that at NewsBusters. Then again, covering up for Limbaugh, no matter how offensive he gets, is what the Media Research Center does.
AIM's Kincaid Pushes Bogus Birther Claims Topic: Accuracy in Media
Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid is so into conspiracy mode on Obama that he just copies and pastes other people's Obama conspiracies into his article.
In a July 24 AIM column promoting yet again a conspiratorial film claiming that Frank Marshall Davis is Obama's real father, Kincaid writes:
Without setting out to ascertain true paternity, Arpaio investigator Mike Zullo’s analysis takes the problem to a deeper level—the mentor may have been the actual father. He analyzed the numbers or codes on certain parts of Obama’s so-called “long-form birth certificate,” as released by the White House.
While most media, including conservative talk radio, have shied away from the blockbuster revelations, Zullo appeared on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio to talk about the “faded set of puzzling, handwritten codes,” saying that “…they looked like pencil markings to us. Nobody really knew what they were.” Zullo told Klein they were able track down the “local registrar” who signed the document, a now 95-year-old woman named Verna Lee, who explained what the codes meant.
As noted by WorldNetDaily, Lee confirmed to investigators that the “9” meant the information is not stated, meaning there should not have been any information in the box in which the number is written and that it was left “unknown.” On the “official” document released by the White House, however, the “9” was next to “Race of Father,” under which “African,” a reference to Barack Hussein Obama, the “Kenyan goat herder” claimed by Obama as his father when he ran for office, was entered.
In fact, Zullo is using a 1968 coding system to evaluate a 1961 birth certificate. The pre-1968 coding system defined the number 9 as "other nonwhite," not "unknown." Further, Klein inexplicably failed to challenge Zullo on his coding error, even though the issue had been raised elsewhere before their interview.
Despite the fact that Zullo's claim is total bunk, Kincaid was in full conspiracy mode, so he just made up stuff:
What all of this means is that the word “African” was inserted by persons unknown who apparently wanted the identity of the true father concealed.
The reason for the fraud is what takes the scandal to another more dangerous level. The evidence suggests that Obama’s birth document was altered not just to conceal a family scandal but to conceal Obama’s relationship with a Communist who was considered by the FBI to be a top Soviet operative in the state of Hawaii and eligible for arrest in the case of a national emergency.
But the alteration of the document did not go far enough. The “9” was left on by the forgers because they did not understand what it meant or whether it was relevant. They had to have figured that the “9” would have been ignored as mere scribbling on a birth certificate, having nothing to do with the “African” designation for the father.
This omission on their part has now come back to haunt them and constitutes proof, as noted by Arpaio and his investigators, that the document has been altered. But by whom? The culprits would have to include Obama and/or his top associates.
Craig Bannister writes in a July 26 CNSNews.com blog post: "Yesterday, the Senate passed a bill (S. 3412) to raise the estate (death) tax from 35% to 55%. But, why are the Democrats trying to create a harsher punishment for dying, anyway?"
In fact, the bill Bannister cites does not address the estate tax -- thus, the Senate could not possibly have voted to raise it. While the estate tax is currently set to increase automatically from 35 percent to 55 percent in 2013 if Congress does nothing, that's not what happened here. Not addressing the issue does not equal a vote to "raise the estate tax."
Medal of Honor Recipient Peddles Lies Topic: WorldNetDaily
You'd think a guy whose sole apparent claim to fame is that he's a Medal of Honor recipient would have enough honor to tell the truth, but sadly, this isn't the case.
In a July 25 WorldNetDaily column -- which even sticks "Medal of Honor recipient" in the headline, as if it was a reliable indicator of his veracity -- retired Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady rants about the Supreme Court overturning the Stolen Valor Act, which made it a crime for some to claim they earned military honors that they hadn't. That's fine -- he's entitled to his opinion. But then Brady feels the need to take it further by spewing lies and smears:
Check out these celebrated lawyers who are so spectacularly out of touch with Americans and America. One Supreme Court justice supported lowering the age of sexual consent to 12 years – and the legalization of prostitution. This judge is OK with 12-year-old prostitutes! Another judge banned the ROTC from her campus. None of these people have ever met a payroll, created a job or served in the military.
In fact, as Media Matters detailed, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- whom the prostitution remark is about -- never claimed she was "OK with 12-year-old prostitutes" -- or prostitution, period. She stated in a 1974 report that "Prostitution as a consensual act between adults is arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions" which was not an endorsement of prostitution's legality. Further, Ginsburg never approved of sexual relations with 12-year-girls, prostitutes or otherwise; she simply complemented the gender-neutral nature of a law that defined age of consent.
Also, Elena Kagan never "banned the ROTC from her campus." ROTC was already banned from using campus facilities at Harvard Law School long before Kagan arrived as dean.
Brady went on to claim: "A further mark of the quality of these folks is how often they turn on the hand that fed them, e.g., John Roberts and David Souter." Apparently, Brady would rather see cases judged on political expediency rather than the law.
If Brady actually had any honor, he would publicly apologize for his lies.
NewsBusters' Double Standard on People's Backgrounds (Again) Topic: NewsBusters
Randy Hall frets in a July 24 NewsBusters post that "the liberal media" is checking into "some of the people who appear in Republican campaign advertisements." Hall cites the case of "Jack Gilchrist, a New Hampshire businessman who states that he, his father and his son -- not the government or the President -- built Gilchrist Metal Fabricating." As it turns out, Gilchrist's business was built on state-issued tax-exempt revenue bonds, and he has also received government contracts.
Coleman went on to approvingly cite John Nolte of Breitbart.com questioning whether it was a "priority" for the New Hampshire Union Leader, which first reported on Gilchrist, to be "digging into the personal lives of private citizens who step forward to let their voice be heard."
But that's exactly what NewsBusters approves of when the private citizen in question is a non-conservative.
Remember Graeme Frost, the 12-year-old who was presented by Democrats as an advocate for a federal program called SCHIP, which helps provide health insurance to needy families with children? Conservatives had no problem with digging into the personal lives of Graeme and his family for committing the sole offense of letting their voices be heard.
John Stephenson proclaimed in a Oct. 7, 2007, NewsBusters post: "Media Fail at Fact Checking on 12 Year Old Voice of SCHIP; Blogs Pick Up Slack." He asserted that media accounts of Frost and his family "were missing greatly in one major thing, facts," which apparenly only right-wing attack blogs were able to provide.
In an Oct. 10, 2007, post, Ken Shepherd proudly noted that "conservative bloggers have been raising questions about the portrayal by Democrats and the Baltimore Sun of the family's financial plight," and he criticized media outlets who weren't sufficiently skeptial of Frost's story of peddling "promoting liberal Democratic talking points."
Five days later, Shepherd again touted "conservative blogs raising questions about the Frost family," insisting that "conservative critique has not fallen on young Graeme, but rather his parents and political exploiters (like Olbermann) on the Left who (should) know better."
NewsBusters similarly fretted in May about non-conservative media checking the backgrounds of someone appearing in a Romney ad.
As we've detailed, the Media Research Center's "Tell the Truth" campaign applies only to liberals; it most definitely does not want the truth about conservatives to be told. Here is just another example of that.
Following up on our post about WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein giving Mike Zullo a pass on obviously fabricated evidence his Cold Case Posse issued in his latest ibirther press conference, Dr. Conspiracy points out that Klein's claim that he "personally also hired three independent forensic investigators" to examine Barack Obama's birth certificate not only contradicts his initial claim that "this document is absolutely real. There is no evidence that it is not. And there would have to be a grand, crazy conspiracy for the State of Hawaii to be involved in faking a birth certificate," it's also contradicts what he said about his "forensic investigators" at the time.
Indeed, Dr. Conspiracy notes, one of the "forensic investigators" he hired, Ivan Zatkovich, actually concluded that there was "All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document." WND cherry-picked his conclusions to make them sound more sinister than they were.
Newsmax Falsely Suggests Chick-Fil-A Controversy Is 'Erroneous' Topic: Newsmax
In a July 24 Newsmax article, Patrick Hobin makes a big deal out of how, he claims, "CNN and other left-friendly media outlets are running full speed with an erroneous story that brands the president of the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain a homophobe because he allegedly told a reporter he is 'guilty as charged' when it comes to his company being opposed to gay marriage." Hobin adds: "A review of the original interview shows he wasn’t even asked a question about gay marriage nor did he say he condemns it."
However narrow the truth of the claim may be, Hobin omits the fact that Chick-fil-A, through its WinShape Foundation, has donated millions of dollars to anti-gay groups like the Family Research Council and Exodus International. That is part of the "support of the traditional family" Hobin notes that Chick-fil-A takes part in.
Hobin also falsely claimed that "the Muppets announced the fast food chain wouldn't be able to license any new toys for their kids meals." In fact, as we've noted, not only were the Muppets never involved in the Chick-fil-A deal, the Jim Henson Co. no longer owns the Muppets; Henson and Chilk-fil-A had partnered on a different line of toys.
The epidemic of black-mob violence now has a soundtrack.
In fact, lots of them: sophisticated, highly produced songs and videos that urge black people to create all kinds of mayhem. From murdering CEOs and delivery drivers to starting riots and engaging in random warfare and everything in between.
Millions of people enjoy them every day; not just as music, but as a lifestyle.
It is not known if any of the 1,000 black people who rioted in downtown Greensboro following the Fourth of July festivities this year were dancing to this kind of music. But there is no doubt they were part of the lifestyle.
Apparently, in Colin Flaherty's eyes, only blacks lead the "mob violence" lifestyle. It's that supposition that underlies every one of Flaherty's articles that makes them race-baiting, WND disclaimer to the contrary.
CNS Pushes Myth That Planned Parenthood's Federal Funding Is 'Fungible' Topic: CNSNews.com
A July 25 article by Fred Lucas repeats CNSNews.com's longtime practice of falsely suggesting that federal money to Planned Parenthood pays for abortions, then goes a bit further by repeating another myth it has peddled before:
In fiscal year 2010, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) got $487.4 million from the federal and state governments, up from $363.2 million the previous year, making taxpayer funding about one-third of the organization’s $1 billion in assets. According to its fact sheet, Planned Parenthood performed 329,445 abortions in 2010.
Though federal law prohibits tax dollars from directly funding abortions, Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations is conducting the investigation, said the money is fungible.
As we've noted the last time CNS invoked it, there's no evidence to support the claim. Plus, Stearns has declared that his intention is to defund Planned Parenthood no matter what, so he's hardly an unbiased source for anything regarding the group.
WND Gets It Wrong on Chick-Fil-A Controversy Topic: WorldNetDaily
How many errors and falsehoods can you spot in the headline and beginning of this July 23 WorldNetDaily article?
1) The Muppets aren't involved. The characters the Henson Co. had partnered with Chick-fil-A to feature were from the Jim Henson's Creature Shop line.
2) Not only weren't the Muppets involved, it was impossible for them to be involved. Contrary to WND's claim that The Jim Henson Co. is "owner of the widely promoted Muppets characters," the company sold the rights to the Muppets to the Walt Disney Co. in 2004. Disney was not involved in the Chick-fil-A deal.
3) There was no "bashing" going on. Despite WND's headline "Muppets Bash Chick-Fil-A Over Owner's Faith," not one does the Henson Co. "bash" the "owner's faith." Rather, it stated in a Facebook posting that "we have notified Chick-Fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors." The statement does not mention any Chick-fil-A owner directly, let alone "bash" them or their faith.
4) Only in WND's fevered anti-gay collective mind is GLAAD "a homosexual promotion organization." Being opposed to anti-gay discrimination is hardly "homosexual promotion."
WND repeats some of these lies in a July 24 article by Bob Unruh, headlined "Playing chicken: Same-sex Muppets vs. Chick-fil-A."
WND falsely claims that Muppets are not involved, while also falsely suggesting there is some sort of adversarial relationship between Henson and Chick-fil-A; in fact, Henson simply chose to end its business relationship with the company. For his part, Unruh accurately states that the Henson Co. "created the Muppets" but not that it no longer owns them.
NewsBusters Promotes Discredited Attack on Obama That Gets The Internet Wrong Topic: NewsBusters
In a July 24 NewsBusters post, Tom Blumer touts a Wall Street Journal column by Gordon Crovitz, who Blumer claimed was serving up "actual history" in asserting that the government didn't invent the Internet. Crovitz asserted that Xerox's PARC research center deserves "full credit" because it developed the Ethernet protocol. Blumer smugly asserted: Yet another liberal and liberal media legend officially bites the dust."
Well, not so much. Turns out Crovitz didn't get his facts right.
Michael Hiltzik -- from whose book on Xerox PARC Crovitz extraopolated his claim that the lab invented the internet -- writes in the Los Angeles Times that "My book bolsters, not contradicts, the argument that the Internet had its roots in the ARPANet, a government project." Hiltzik continues:
But Crovitz confuses AN internet with THE Internet. [Former Pentagon official and ARPANet funder Robert] Taylor was citing a technical definition of "internet" in his statement. But I know Bob Taylor, Bob Taylor is a friend of mine, and I think I can say without fear of contradiction that he fully endorses the idea as a point of personal pride that the government-funded ARPANet was very much the precursor of the Internet as we know it today. Nor was ARPA's support "modest," as Crovitz contends. It was full-throated and total. Bob Taylor was the single most important figure in the history of the Internet, and he holds that stature because of his government role.
Crovitz then points out that TCP/IP, the fundamental communications protocol of the Internet, was invented by Vinton Cerf (though he fails to mention Cerf's partner, Robert Kahn). He points out that Tim Berners-Lee "gets credit for hyperlinks."
Lots of problems here. Cerf and Kahn did develop TCP/IP--on a government contract! And Berners-Lee doesn't get credit for hyperlinks--that belongs to Doug Engelbart of Stanford Research Institute, who showed them off in a legendary 1968 demo you can see here. Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web--and he did so at CERN, a European government consortium.
So the bottom line is that the Internet as we know it was indeed born as a government project. In fact, without ARPA and Bob Taylor, it could not have come into existence. Private enterprise had no interest in something so visionary and complex, with questionable commercial opportunities. Indeed, the private corporation that then owned monopoly control over America's communications network, AT&T, fought tooth and nail against the ARPANet. Luckily for us, a far-sighted government agency prevailed.
Further, Wired points out that Ethernet is not the Internet; it it's a network connection invented by Xerox PARC to connect computers and printers.
Yet another bit of right-wing "media research" at the MRC bites the dust.
WND's Farah Baselessly Brags, Draws The Wrong Lesson Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah spends his July 23 WorldNetDaily column bragging about how WND was "the news agency that actually broke the news about HSBC’s money-laundering schemes," based on Jerome Corsi's reporting.
Farah is, of course, lying. While Corsi's first WND article on HSBC was published on Feb. 1, other news agencies were covering the scandal before that.
Bloomberg Businessweek reported on Jan. 25 that HSBC "will co-operate with a probe by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and said it supports efforts to combat money laundering." Marketwatch reported a similar story the same day. The Wall Street Journal reported on it on Jan. 27. British papers the Telegraph and the Independent also reported on the story before WND did.
Corsi's contribution in his Feb. 1 article -- in which he acknowledged earlier reporting on the Senate probe of HSBC -- was detailing the claims of ex-HSBC employee John Cruz, who provided WND with "1,000 pages of evidence" of alleged HSBC wrongdoing. Corsi insisted that Cruz "came to WND ... before the committee’s investigation of HSBC was reported."
It's unclear, however, whether Cruz made any effort to cooperate with the Senate subcommittee investigating HSBC. You'd think that if Cruz was such a credible source, the Senate would be eager to talk to him, but the Senate's report on HSBC makes no mention of Cruz.
Farah went on to complain that "Corsi was fired by another investment firm for his investigative reports into HSBC." As we noted at the time, this raises the issue of why Farah was apparently paying Corsi such a non-living wage that he had to seek another job in addition to his position as a WND "senior reporter." Further, much of Corsi's work at the time he also worked at the investment firm carried a disclaimer that "The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author are his alone and do not necessarily reflect Gilford Securities Incorporated's views, opinions, positions or strategies," so it wasn't like they were exactly proud to have Corsi in their employ.
Farah went on to declare that Corsi "was right about HSBC," adding:
Could it be these press outlets and government officials don’t want to mention Corsi’s role in the fall of HSBC because of his long-standing association with the Barack Obama identity story?
Where was the rest of the entire press establishment when Corsi, whom many of these entities demeaned as a “conspiracy theorist,” was presenting documented evidence of widespread banking fraud?
Farah seems to have learned the wrong lesson here. It's not just that Corsi has been an unrepentant birther, he's been a birther who has repeatedly and deliberately refused to acknowledge any evidence that conflicts with his increasingly discredited birther conspiracy theories. To this day, WND and Corsi have yet to report on John Woodman's birther book and birther lawyer Phil Berg's claim that Obama is not using a fake Social Security number, among many other inconvenient facts.
Corsi's own track record of dishonest reporting means that intelligent people have no other choice than to look at anything he writes, birther or not, with a skeptical eye. He has so discredited himself that literally nothing he reports can be taken at face value, even when he's on the right track, as he was with the HSBC story.
Perhaps if Farah had insisted on Corsi living up to standard journalistic practices instead of allowing him to act like the right-wing hack he is, he and WND would have been taken more seriously. Instead, Farah has no one but himself to blame.