Topic: WorldNetDaily
[Terry] Lakin tells his story in his new book, “Officer’s Oath,” now widely available. In the full disclosure department, I helped him tell it.
If Obama reads this memoir – one fully devoid of fabrications, by the way – he may begin to understand what honor means. If he pardons Terry, he may begin to regain some of his own.
-- Jack Cashill, July 11 WorldNetDaily column
We have a modern-day practitioner of fascism in Barack Obama.
We should really call him Benito Obama – or maybe just Obamalini.
-- Joseph Farah, July 13 WorldNetDaily column
If Newsweek can dub President Barack Hussein Obama, as it did on a recent cover, “the first gay president” because of his affinity for gays and their agenda, he deserves even more the mantle of “the first Muslim president” for the same reason.
-- Larry Klayman, July 13 WND column
Obama wants to trace the movement of farm animals but not illegal aliens; he wants to I.D. every farm animal to protect the public health but does not want to I.D. voters to protect the integrity of elections.
With the memory still fresh that the 2000 presidential election was decided by a handful of voters in Florida, the determination of who gets to vote in 2012 could decide who will be the next president.
-- Roger Hedgecock, July 15 WND column
For quite a while now, I’ve referred to President Barack Obama as a communist – not a progressive (which he has said he is), a liberal or a socialist – but a communist. It only made sense, given that the man was bred, raised and mentored by communists, employed and was employed by communists, eagerly fraternized with communists and diligently studied communism throughout his entire adult life. Even if one ignores his life before political office, there’s certainly enough remaining evidence of Obama’s communistic bent, most notably his “crowning achievement” of Obamacare and his administration’s insinuation into American industry. I believe in telling it like it is, and I see no reason to soft pedal communism for the sake of professional decorum – and certainly not for political correctness.
-- Erik Rush, July 18 WND column
I would suggest that Barack Obama is our own Cardiff Giant. The people – particularly white Americans – were eager to be deluded by a black man who promised to absolve them of their historical guilt. In vowing to be the first post-racial president, this man, half white/part Arab, gave the impression that a vote for him would automatically erase a shameful history that included two centuries of slavery and roughly one century of Jim Crow laws.
But just like those other two earlier frauds, he was nothing more than a humbug that had been cobbled together in a Chicago cellar by certain interested parties, including the likes of David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and George Soros.
And just as their ancestors had done, large numbers of gullible Americans lined up to hand over their quarters and half dollars, not to mention their votes, and gaze in wonder at the big phony.
-- Burt Prelutsky, July 24 WND column
Obama’s remarks at Roanoke, Va., on July 13, 2012, were more than a faux pas.
With these remarks, Obama has come out of the closet as a most odious collectivist, who believes religiously that government predation is a condition for production. Or, put simply, that the parasite created the host.
With his near-religious repetition of the “you didn’t build that” dogma, the president of the United States demonstrated his irrational faith in the statist principle of compulsory cooperation.
-- Ilana Mercer, July 26 WND column
What we hear as an excuse is this cynical argument: If Obama loses the election in November, impeachment is unnecessary. And if he wins, impeachment is impossible because Republicans will be accused of “sour grapes.” Both statements are wrongheaded and surprisingly naïve.
To put that question in more concrete terms, ask yourself this: If Obama loses the election on Nov. 6, do you trust him and his lame-duck Congress to govern the nation in a constitutional manner for the 10 weeks between his defeat and the inauguration of his successor on Jan. 20, 2013? If you answered “no!” then you must also agree that it is imperative to remove him as soon as possible.
Yes, we all understand that the present Democrat-controlled Senate will never take up an impeachment resolution even if one were passed by the House. But Justice Roberts would say that is irrelevant. Impeachment is a necessary and proper step when the Constitution has been violated, regardless of the political prospects for success of the indictment.
Is there adequate evidence to warrant a serious, formal impeachment investigation by the House Judiciary Committee? Yes, absolutely, and committee Chairman Lamar Smith ought to start that process immediately.
There is an avalanche of evidence that Obama has committed numerous crimes against the Constitution.
-- Tom Tancredo, July 27 WND column
While Obama and the Democratic Socialist Party today may not be doctrinaire Marxists, they are indeed socialists and belong to a political strand of Marxist-Leninism euphemistically referred to as “Western Marxism” and “Cultural Communism.”
Unlike Bolsheviks – who systematically and systemically utilize terrorism and violent tactics to obtain absolute power, progressing from democracy or monarchy to then impose socialism as a stepping stone towards communism – Western Marxists like Obama exploit the trappings natural to democracy to contrive getting elected and then mercilessly exploit the reins of political power. Next, Western Marxists seek to immediately institute a torrent of radical reforms, regulations and legislation, thus propelling society inevitably into a welfare state, socialism and, if feasible, toward communism.
President Obama is a Western Marxist, a Western Leninist, that is, one of those who are known also generally as a Cultural Communists. According to Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist political theorists, once power is seized, the mask comes off and the ruler and his socialist minions revert back to their Bolshevik roots, as needed and, even, as convenient. Fomenting economic, political, religious, social and cultural chaos is key to maintaining his grip on power.
-- Ellis Washington, July 27 WND column