Topic: NewsBusters
It's been a while since we tallied up Noel Sheppard's massive overuse of headline cliches at NewsBusters. Let's see how he's been doing the pasdt couple of months, shall we?
Krauthammer Schools Entire 'Inside Washington' Panel on 'The Cowardice of the Democrats'
Colorado Governor Schools Candy Crowley: Stricter Gun Laws Wouldn't Have Prevented Massacre
Newt Gingrich Schools Jay Leno: 'I'd Love to See Obama’s Columbia University Undergraduate Work'
Lawrence Kudlow Schools Fareed Zakaria on Obama Ignoring 'Shale Revolution': 'He's a Solyndra Guy'
Grover Norquist Schools Bob Woodward and Hilary Rosen on Which Party's Obstructionist
James Pethokoukis Smacks Down Eleanor Clift: GOP Isn't 'Anti-Immigration' - 'That's Just Wrong'
Michael Steele Schools David Corn on Media's Hypocritical Handling of Obama and Romney Flip-Flops
College Republican Totally Schools MSNBC's Touré on Why Young People Aren't Just Democrats
George Will Schools Hilary Rosen on Voter ID Laws
Reason's Nick Gillespie Schools Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher on Fast and Furious
Santorum Schools CNN's Crowley on What 'Moderate' and 'Willing to Work With the Other Side' Mean
Mort Zuckerman Smacks Down Eleanor Clift: 'I Know About Bain Capital Since I Was Involved With It'
Bill Maher Gets Schooled on U.S. Corporate Profits By African Economist
George Will Schools Krugman on Gov. Walker: $3 Billion Deficit 'He Inherited' Has 'Become a Surplus'
Member of British Parliament Schools Paul Krugman: 'I Find His View Reckless'
The cliche bug is spreading at NewsBusters: the headline on a July 26 post by Matt Hadro reads, "CNN Smacks Down CNN's Claim That Romney Is In Hot Water Overseas."
UPDATE: Sheppard adds this late-breaking cliche:
George Will and Dana Loesch School Donna Brazile and Ruth Marcus on Obama's 'You Didn't Build That'