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Thursday, December 20, 2012
WND's Prelutsky Blames Jews For the 'War on Christmas'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Although it seems a long time ago, it really wasn’t, that people who came here from other places made every attempt to fit in. Assimilation wasn’t a threat to anyone; it was what the Statue of Liberty represented. E pluribus unum, one out of many, was our motto. The world’s melting pot was our nickname. It didn’t mean that any group of people had to check their customs, culture or cuisine, at the door. It did mean that they, and especially their children, learned English, and that they learned to live and let live.

That has changed, as you may have noticed. And I lay a great deal of the blame at the feet of my fellow Jews. When it comes to pushing the multicultural, anti-Christian agenda, you find Jewish judges, Jewish journalists and the largely Jewish funded ACLU at the forefront. What makes them even more obnoxious is that, by and large, the Jews who are leading the crusade against what is, we should never forget, a national holiday, are secular. So it’s not even a question of their religion being shortchanged; they hate their own, as well. They’re the pinheads who pretend that “separation of church and state” appears in the Constitution.

I should confess that because my family was Jewish, Christmas was never celebrated while I was growing up. But what was there not to like about the holiday? To begin with, it provided a welcome two-week break from school. The decorated trees were pretty, the lights were beautiful, “It’s a Wonderful Life” was a great movie, and some of the best Christmas songs were even written by Jews.

But the dirty little secret in America is that in spite of the occasional over-publicized rants by the likes of Mel Gibson and Michael Richards, anti-Semitism is no longer a problem in society; it’s been replaced by a rampant anti-Christianity.


It is the ACLU, which is largely funded by Jews and has a legal department that is almost exclusively Jewish, that is leading the attack against Christianity in America. It is they who have conned far too many people into believing that when the First Amendment states that Congress is prohibited from establishing a state religion, what it really means is that a Christmas wreath can’t be placed on City Hall. They also cynically ignore the part that prohibits Congress from “abridging the free exercise” of religion.

You may have noticed, though, that the ACLU is highly selective when it comes to religious intolerance. The same group of self-righteous shysters who, at the drop of a “Merry Christmas” will slap you with an injunction, will fight for the right of an American Indian to ingest peyote and a devout Islamic woman to appear veiled on her driver’s license.

I happen to despise bullies and bigots. I hate them when they represent the majority, but no less when, like too many Jews in America, they represent an infinitesimal minority.

I am getting the idea that these self-righteous secular Jews won’t be happy until they pull off their own version of the Spanish Inquisition, forcing Christians to either deny their faith and convert to agnosticism or suffer the consequences.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Dec. 18 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 7:37 PM EST
Is Kessler Done At Newsmax?
Topic: Newsmax

TPM's Ryan J. Reilly reports that Ronald Kessler is leaving Newsmax due to "editorial changes." We haven't seen any other confirmation of this yet, but it seems to be a reliable report, and it ends six years of largely hacktastic work.

Kessler joined Newsmax in 2006, where he set the tone of his Newsmax tenure by writing fawningly about the Bush administration and bashing Democrats. He cranked that up for the 2006 election,  to the point where he essentially blamed then-Rep. Mark Foley's dalliances with congressional pages on the pages, not Foley.

For the 2008 presidential campaign, Kessler was Mitt Romney's man, writing fluff pieces and being kinda creepy toward Romney's wife. But when Romney lost the nomination, he was a good Republican soldier and promoted John McCain, despite having spent the previous several months bashing him to boost Romney's prospects. He also attacked Barack Obama by obsessing over Jeremiah Wright.

Amidst trying to turn Jews against Obama and regularly turning over his Newsmax platform to his budy David Keene, Kessler found a new cause for the 2012 election: Donald Trump. Kessler led Newsmax's boosterism of Trump's presidential ambitions, which led to an ill-fated attempt to host a presidential debate together.

Once it was clear that Trump would not run despite Kessler's best efforts, Kessler returned to his once and future presidential love, Mitt Romney, going so far as to declare that Romney would beat Obama in a landslide.

If this is truly the end of Kessler at Newsmax, we bid him a sad farewell, if only because his brand of biased, obsequious reporting is one of the reasons ConWebWatch exists.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:01 PM EST
Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Mychal Massie Division
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In the past year Hillary Clinton has been photographed swilling booze and waddling around on dance floors the world over. And though she presented an unflattering exhibition of cankles and perspiration, she managed to stay upright. She suffered no symptoms from dehydration, and she was able to keep her diplomatic appointments the following day.

But with her appearances before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee this week hanging over her head like the sword of Damocles – she first developed a tummy ache and then, to further bury herself in the part, we’re told she became dehydrated, fainted and suffered a concussion.

And while we’re told she’s resting at home, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear she was observed driving around New York in a red 1961 Ferrari 250GT California Spyder a la a certain Mr. Ferris Bueller.

-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 17 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 6:06 PM EST
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Newsmax's Hirsen Pushes Dubious Link Between Video Games, Violence
Topic: Newsmax

James Hirsen writres in his Dec. 17 Newsmax column on the Newtown massacre:

The time has come for industry figures to take the lead in examining the violent content of entertainment product. Empirical data now exists that links violent content in a variety of media forms to overly aggressive behavior in individuals.

The video gaming industry, however, is of the most pressing concern and deserves particular scrutiny due to the unique characteristics inherent in video game products and the greater potentiality for negative societal consequences as a result of active engagement.

Video games are distinctively interactive and have actually been shown to have addictive qualities. Many of the games are laden with highly charged content.

In November 2012 an Australian National University psychology researcher confirmed the addictive nature of video games, discovering that frequent gamers had “attentional bias,” i.e., individuals were unable to stop thinking about gaming when attempting to focus on other tasks, a phenomenon that also occurs in alcohol, drug, and gambling addictions.

Hirsen doesn't mention that the study also portrays video game addiction as more of a symptom, rather an cause, of other issues:

"Addicts were also more likely to have psychological traits associated with avoiding problems and difficulties rather than actively dealing with their problems....According to Victoria University researcher Daniel Loton, the correlation suggests that excessive computer gaming may be a symptom of possibly unrelated mental anxieties as gamers seek to avoid their problems through immersion in gaming. He said the suggestion that excessive gaming may be a "coping mechanism" is reinforced by the finding that excessive gaming didn't appear to be damaging a gamer's success or satisfaction at work or study. "In fact, excessive players showed marginally higher success in their studies, failing fewer subjects and scoring higher grade averages than they had intended,'' said Mr Loton, a PhD candidate at VU's school of education.

"The excessive gaming may be a coping mechanism for dealing with pre-existing mental health problems," he told the HES."

Further, the Washington Post compiled data showing there appears to be no direct correlation between video game consumption and gun violence, and that countries with higher video game spending per capita than the U.S. have lower rates of gun-related murders.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:25 AM EST
NEW ARTICLE: WorldNetDaily's Time of Tribulation
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WND is not taking President Obama's re-election well, and Joseph Farah's anti-Obama rhetoric is getting more apocalyptic. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 8:30 AM EST
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
MRC Fearmongers to Raise Money
Topic: Media Research Center

Ads like this are being found across the various Media Research Center websites:

The ads link to the URL, which is actually a fund-raising page for the MRC. There's lots of bold type, italics and fearmongering about the "liberal media":

The liberal media were out of control this year as they worked on behalf of President Obama's reelection. They pulled out all the stops—from covering up his scandals and failures to blatant journalistic fraud. The leftist news media were not only 100% FOR Barack Obama and the liberals, but also 100% AGAINST anyone or anything that threatened them and their socialist agenda.

In the weeks leading up to the election, the left-wing "news" media:

  • Knowingly covered up the administration's Benghazi debacle
  • Consistently buried negative economic news—no mention of gas prices, real unemployment numbers, inflation, or the looming fiscal cliff
  • Refused to report to America what Obama intends to do in the next four years

This isn't just media bias . . . it's censorship disguised as journalism—and it must be exposed!

This recent election has made it abundantly clear that the real battle for the hearts and minds of Americans is not being waged in Washington, D.C., or even on the campaign trail. It's being waged in the media, and the liberals are actively committed to victory by any means—even if that's a complete betrayal of every journalistic principle they were taught. This is why your gift to the Media Research Center is more important than ever. Your support will give the MRC the firepower to:

  • Continue serving as the ONLY organization capable of and dedicated to exposing the media's anti–free enterprise agenda and to promoting a fair portrayal of the business community in the news and entertainment media
  • Employ the most dedicated team of conservative expert news analysts who daily monitor all major nationally televised and print news broadcasts, publishing them daily in our state-of-the-art print and Internet publications, e-newsletters, blogs, websites . . . the works
  • Remain on the cutting edge in the quest for truth, exposing media bias through our network of bias-busting resources—,, Newsbusters
  • Act as the go-to resource for our conservative allies in journalism and talk radio, such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and Cal Thomas, providing them with the indispensable counter-punch to the Left's most notorious purveyors of liberalism in the press

With your support, it won't be long before the liberal media have lost ALL credibility and can no longer influence public opinion.

The MRC probably won't be telling potential donors how it squandered $5 million on billboards and Republican convention festivities and trying to keep people from finding out the truth about Republicans. And really, does the MRC have any credibility given all the dubious "research" it conducts and the false claims it publishes?

Posted by Terry K. at 3:16 PM EST
WND Snottily Corrects Judith Reisman Column
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has long had an adversarial relationship toward correcting false information on its website, typically waiting until an actual or threatened lawsuit to do so. Other times, false information is changed or simply disappears without notifying readers that anything has been changed.

When WND actually does publicly correct something, it's done with as much foot-dragging as possible. A vivid demonstration of this is a Dec. 17 WND article by Chelsea Schilling, snottily headlined "Here's your correction, Wikipedia founder."

Schilling details the tale of how Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales objected to Judith Reisman's claim in a Dec. 14 WND column that he "made his original fortune as a pornography trafficker." Schilling details WND's pissiness in pointing out that a search portal Wales once operated called Bomis had a "premium" feature offering access to X-rated content, as described on a Wikipedia page about it:

However, Wales told WND the Wikipedia page “doesn’t say anything remotely like me making a ‘fortune’ from ‘pornography.’” He asked, “What do you intend to do about this libel?”

Farah responded, “Let me get this straight: You admit making money from pornography, but you feel defamed because you didn’t make enough for it to be considered a ‘fortune’?”

Wales also argued that the factual accuracy of Wikipedia’s own “Bomis” entry is irrelevant: “We are not discussing Wikipedia. If there are errors in Wikipedia, this does not relieve you of the moral and legal responsibility not to defame me, sir.  You know that.”

Farah asked, “Now Wikipedia is lying?”

“We are not talking about Wikipedia,” Wales retorted. “This is a defamatory falsehood. I have never made any ‘fortune’ as a ‘porngraphy [sic] trafficker.’ Fix it.”


Attempting to get to the bottom of the issue, Farah asked Wales how much money he generated from Bomis.

“For a few years, I took a modest salary as programmer and CEO (averaging less than $60k per year for the life of the company),” Wales explained. ”The company declined until we closed it; there was no sale and no big earnings of any kind.

“The revenue of the company was primarily advertising.  The best period of time for the company came when we were part of the NBCi network (a search engine and web portal run by NBC television), but that quickly went away when NBCi collapsed as a part of the general dot-com collapse.”

Farah asked: “Are you suggesting that Bomis was not trafficking pornography? Or that you were not involved in Bomis?”

“By any sane measure of our revenue and profits, no, we were not ‘trafficking pornography,’” Wales replied. ”Like many dot-com startups of the era, we struggled with what kind of advertisers to accept and we did have ‘adult’ advertisers – as did all the other major portals at the time. 99% of our revenue was not from that, so it’s totally ludicrous to claim we were ‘trafficking pornography.’”

Wales added, “You might as well claim that the owner of a local convenience store chain (who probably made more money than I did during that era) made a fortunate a [sic] pornography trafficker if they sold Playboy behind the counter. It’s nonsense and you know it.”

Ultimmately, Schilling writes: "After thoroughly researching the issue, WND has edited Reisman’s column to read: 'Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia’s creator, originally made his living off a website that earned revenue from pornography traffickers.'" Yet Reisman's column contains no correction or any other notification that a false claim has been changed.

Schilling has a lengthy record of making false and misleading claims that WND has not seen fit to correct, so this show of purported "thorough research" is the exception rather than the rule.

Schilling uses the remainder of her article to rehash WND's war on Wikipedia for publishing objectionable images and for purportedly allowing people to mock WND and editor Joseph Farah. Schilling also includes this note from Farah to Wales:

“You might recall that Wikipedia once claimed I had an affair … (Untrue) It claimed I was a homosexual. (Untrue) Both of these false accusations actually resulted in material and professional harm to me. So I am sure you will extend some patience while we address this issue.”

Farah fails to understand how Wikipedia works. He should ask his employee Aaron Klein, who had a subordinate write and edit Klein's Wikipedia page, making sure any less-than-flattering information was deleted.

Farah also apparently doesn't understand the difference between a user-generated site like Wikipedia and a supposedly professionally edited and curated site like WND, which theoretically should have higher standarrds. Yet Farah himself has admitted that -- and apparently has no problem with -- WND publishes false information.

Also: How exactly did Farah suffer "material and professional harm" from malicious Wikipedia edits? We'd love to hear the details, but we also suspect it's not all that true since most people understand that these things happen.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:42 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 2:57 PM EST
NewsBusters Tries to Build Clinton Concussion Conspiracy
Topic: NewsBusters

In a Dec. 17 NewsBusters post, P.J. Gladnick is very, very upset that the media is taking at face value Hillary Clinton's claim of a concussion as a reason to testify before Congress about the Benghazi attack, insisting that it has been "conveniently untreated" and that "mainstream sources conveniently bought into Hillary's excuse." Gladnick adds, "One has to wonder if these same reporters would have lacked any skepticism if, say, H.R. Haldeman had claimed that a "concussion" for which he was not hospitalized prevented him from testifying about Watergate."

The MRC has long despised Hillary Clinton -- Brent Bozell and Tim Graham even wrote a book trying to pre-emptively torpedo her 2008 presidential campaign. So why wouldn't it treat her concussion as some sort of Watergate-level conspiracy?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:30 PM EST
Birther Dead-Enders At WND Are Still At It
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has de-emphasized its birther obsession since President Obama's re-election -- given that WND staked what little reputation it has on trying to destroy Obama with birtherism as its centerpiece only to fail miserably, that's not a bad idea -- but it hasn't given up the ghost completely.

At this point, WND seems mostly interested in indulging the legal fantasies of failed lawyer and anti-Obama obsessive Larry Klayman. His Dec. 14 column contains demonstrable birther falsehoods:

It is well-known that Obama had for years refused to release his claimed Hawaiian birth certificate and other official documents that reflect on whether he was born in U.S. territory as he claims, or in Kenya where his father of the same name hailed. If born in Kenya or somewhere else outside of American territory, Obama would be ineligible to run for and serve as president. And, even if born in America, Obama does not qualify as a “natural born citizen” under our Constitution, since he was not, as also required under our law to be president, sired by two American citizen parents. Only his mother was an American at the time of his birth.

As even a casual birther observer knows, Obama has released two birth certificates, the state of Hawaii has certified that he was born there, and the Constitution does not define "natural born citizen" Klayman is lying when he says Obama does not qualify.

Meanwhile, a Dec. 16 WND article by Bob Unruh details Klayman's latest filing in his birther lawsuit on behalf of Michael Voeltz in Florida. Unruh uncritically repeats Klayman's discredited arguments and, as is official WND policy, refuses to tell the other side of the story. Which makes Unruh a propagandist, not a journalist.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:37 AM EST
Monday, December 17, 2012
MRC Issues Not-So-Special Report On 'War on Christmas'
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center apparently decided it wanted in on some of that sweet (if bogus) "War on Christmas" action.

Thus, we have a Dec. 11 MRC Culture & Media Institute "special report" by Paul Wilson titled "Taking Christ out of Christmas." And he does all of the usual whining and self-victimization you'd expect:

Secularist Grinches have long sought to obscure “the reason for the season.” But censorship of Christianity is increasingly a media mission for all seasons; Christians are pressured to hide their public faith under baskets. From the media-driven assault on Christian restaurant Chick-fil-A to increasingly snide commentary masquerading as journalism, the media are increasingly pushing for a public retreat from religion.

And it’s working, at least according to one study. In October, Pew reported that a fifth of the American public, and a third of adults under 30, have no religious affiliation. And 88 percent of those people aren’t interested in belonging to a church.


The media, government, and schools, pushed by secularist groups, aim to litigate, browbeat, and photo-shop Christianity out of the public sphere. Christmas remains their most high-profile target, but increasingly, it’s an all-weather campaign.

As we all know, the MRC's "special reports" tend to be less than special, and that's the case here. Not only does he try to baselessly link isolated incidents, he even drags in criticism of Chick-fil-a because its president "spoke in favor of traditional marriage." Actually, Chick-fil-a has done a lot more than that, but Wilson won't tell you about it.

We'll outsource the rest of our criticism to Jon Stewart.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:19 PM EST
Updated: Monday, December 17, 2012 3:20 PM EST
WND Columnists Blame Everything But Guns for Newtown Massacre
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnists have been quick to assign blame for the Newtown massacre -- making sure to exclude guns, of course.

Joseph Farah blames "secularism" and removing prayer from public schools (which isn't exactly the case -- school-sponsored prayer was banned) for this:

What should we expect when we not only prohibit weapons of self-defense in our schools, but when we banish the Creator from them?

Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decisions that removed prayer from the public schools of America. Just look what has happened since. It’s not that God is exacting punishment on America as a result. He is giving America over to the desires of its wicked heart.

We are reaping the seeds of the whirlwind we ourselves planted.

It’s not that America’s highest court chose neutrality with respect to religion, as Justice Potter Stewart, the lone dissent on one of those key cases wrote. It’s that the court chose “the establishment of a religion of secularism.”

Secularism is indeed a religion. It places its faith in the hearts of men, rather than in the heart of a loving God who wrote the highest laws, those that guide the universe and offer the only path to salvation and eternal life as well as blessings in this one.

No amount of gun control can save us from ourselves. In fact, it can only quicken the judgment that is already upon us.

Pat Boone does pretty much the same thing:

The vast majority of Americans allowed a few militant, narrow-minded activists to effectively exclude the calming, moral, motivational and spiritual guidelines for healthy living from the daily environment of our children.

We let them shut God out of our schools and out of the very lives of countless young kids.

With what predictable result? In just the last few years, unprecedented in our history, our schools are hotbeds of drug usage and trafficking, guns and violence, rampant sexual immorality (some involving teachers with students), increasing required subject matter teaching kids all manner of things that the Bible condemns. And we don’t see the connection?

And the quality of the education itself is declining in shocking, undeniable ways. Of course, how could it be otherwise, in such a rudderless, polluted environment? While parents send their children to school, hoping they’ll come back alive.

Boone also makes the libelous accusation that Kevin Jennings, former safe school czar, is a "pedophilia advocate."

William Murray -- son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, who led efforts to remove state-sponsored prayer from schools -- takes much the same tack, also blaming churches for being too wimpy:

My mother, atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, fought to make the public schools the armed camps they are today by removing prayer, the recognition of the authority of God. In 1962 and 1963, I was attending an all-boys public high school in downtown Baltimore, Md. The school was a magnet school before the term even existed and was intended to prepare young men for college, majoring in science and engineering. There were 1,800 teenage boys in the school, and there was not a cop in the building – ever. The doors were unlocked and often the un-air-conditioned rooms had open windows. There were no metal detectors, no picture IDs, and students went in and out the doors on the honor system.


In the vast majority of America’s public schools, the authority of God has been replaced with the authority of the iron fist of government. Morals? Without the authority of God, there are no morals, and none are taught in the public schools today. The ethics that are taught are situational, perhaps the same situational ethics that led to the logic that caused the tragic shootings in Newtown.

This condition exists in the schools and the society in general because of a failed church that is splintered and weak.

A large advertising sign near my home reads, “A church for those who don’t like church.” Translation: “No condemnation of sin here – we have coffee latte and great music.”

Barbara Simpson blames anti-depressants, even though it hasn't been made public what, if anything, the shooter was taking:

While not giving specific details, police are investigating allegations that Lanza suffered from a personality disorder and had anger issues, perhaps had Asperger’s syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder.

This raises an issue that every anti-gun partisan chooses to ignore: the effect of anti-depressants on the human brain.

We’ve become a society where even basic human reactions to life situations are diagnosed as “syndromes” or “illnesses” and, of course, the solution is drugs.

We know anti-depressant drugs literally change the chemistry of the brain, often leaving the individual a shell of themselves and with dangerous tendencies.

They are the SSRIs – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – Prozac, Paxil, Luvox and Zoloft. They’re casually referred to as “chemical babysitters,” dispensed like water when the natural rambunctiousness of children bothers adults. It “quiets kids down,” makes them easily controlled, and often puts them at the edge of homicide or suicide or both.

Just read the package insert warnings on those commonly used drugs.

Doubts? Look at the drug connection in other horrific killings: Columbine, Kip Kinkel, Colorado, Tucson and too many others to recount.

If Lanza was being “medicated,” it raises the issue that guns aren’t the problem, prescription drugs are, and so are the doctors who prescribe them.

Simpson apparently doesn't understand that antidepressants are not a treatment for autism, though it has been used (to questionable effect) to treat some of the obsessive-compulsive that has ben associated with autism.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:38 PM EST
Updated: Monday, December 17, 2012 2:46 PM EST
CNS' Starr Protects Karen Handel

Penny Starr devotes a Dec. 14 article to uncritically repeating accusations made against Planned Parenthood by Karen Handel, former executive with Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which generated controversy when it (briefly) cut off funding to Planned Parenthood. Starr makes no mention of those who have disputed claims Handel makes in her book.

Starr keeps up CNS' longtime deception of stating that Planned Parenthood has received “government health services grants and reimbursements” totaling $487.4 million and "performed 329,445 abortions" without mentioning the pertinent fact that government money does not pay for abortions, per federal law.

Then Starr adds, for no apparent reason: "Planned Parenthood’s Form 990 filed with the Internal Revenue Service for tax year July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, shows Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards’ salary, benefits and compensation totaled $420,153."

Starr is silent, however, on what Handel made at Komen. According to the Washington Post, Handel's boss, Nancy Brinker, made $417,000 in salary in 2010, and paid 50 top executives more than $100,000 each.

Starr seems like she's trying to hide something. But she is an anti-abortion activist, not a real journalist, so it's not so surprising that she'd try to protect Handel.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:58 AM EST
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Obama’s policies in furtherance of his vision – as clearly laid out during the campaign and even more so during these “fiscal cliff” negotiations – left unchecked will complete the fiscal destruction of the nation.

So if you insist, don’t call it intentional destruction. Call it, euphemistically, “the intentional fundamental transformation of America that will necessarily destroy her.”

-- David Limbaugh, Dec. 3 WorldNetDaily column

This just in: The Secret Service, backed by the District of Columbia Police Department, is battling thousands of protesters outside President Barack Obama’s 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue “palace,” prompting the socialist “leader to leave the building. Officers fired tear gas at up to 10,000 demonstrators angered by Obama’s November … decree that expanded his powers. ‘The people want the downfall of the regime,’ the demonstrators chant. ‘Our marches are against tyranny and the constitutional … decree, and we won’t retract our position until our demands are met.’”

The protests against Mr. Obama never happened. The train of abuses and usurpations did. I switched the lead characters in a Reuters lede describing the ongoing unrest in Egypt. I substituted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s name with Obama’s.

-- Ilana Mercer, Dec. 6 WND column

Our complaint, filed on behalf of presidential candidate Virgil H. Goode Jr. and Alabama citizen Hugh McInnish, seeking to force Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman to verify that Obama was eligible to be placed on the state’s presidential ballot – after she told our clients that she would not – was filed Oct. 12, 2012, with enough time for the court to rule that the state had an affirmative duty to determine – given the sworn affidavits from Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his investigator Mike Zullo and renowned investigative reporter and author Jerome Corsi – whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen as is required by the U.S. Constitution. As set forth under oath in these affidavits, there is credible evidence, which was incorporated into the complaint and a simultaneously filed motion for summary judgment, that Obama’s claimed long-form birth certificate, produced by the White House years after the issue of his place of birth was first raised by none other than his 2008 presidential primary opponent Hillary Clinton, is altered, forged and fraudulent.

-- Larry Klayman, Dec. 7 WND column

With Obama’s re-election, it may be all but impossible to put a stop to his destruction of American education and the dumbing down of our children.

-- Barbara Simpson, Dec. 9 WND column

The art of jiu-jitsu is to use an opponent’s weight and strength to your advantage. I believe we can further choke the life out of Obamacare by using this martial arts technique.

-- Chuck Norris, Dec. 9 WND column

President Barack Obama is the most divisive man to ever occupy the White House –period! Yet, 95 percent of black Americans worship him as if he’s the messiah. Why?

Actor and comedian Jamie Foxx recently took the stage at the Soul Train Awards and told the audience, “Thank God, and our lord and savior, Barack Obama!” Foxx called on the audience to stand up and clap for Obama. His outrageous remarks were broadcast on national television, yet not one nationally known black leader repudiated Foxx.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Dec. 11 WND column

Now, Mr. Obama will be inaugurated for a second term. Check his father’s nationality – and the Constitution’s residency requirement for the president. Surely the U.S. Supreme Court justice should know this.

Finally, your reliance on the courts to sort out disputes between co-equal branches of government is – pathetic. The courts have no authority to order the executive or Congress to do anything, as you well know. So why bother? Do you think we are fooled?

Impeachment is your remedy. We would suggest simultaneous indictments against Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama, in combination with at least a four-year investigation. Due to the seriousness of the charges and the propensity to flight, both Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama would need to be held in confinement during the investigation. Given this regrettable state of affairs, Mr. Boehner, as the speaker, would have to assume the duties of the executive during the interim.

-- Craige McMillan, Dec. 12 WND column

I could continue to think that “Underground” is a dumb undergraduate poem about apes that step on figs – and be denounced as a racist – or I could interpret it as an allegory – and be denounced as a conspiracy theorist.

If I assume, however, that Obama is the sophisticated author the literary world insists he is, I can only interpret the poem as allegory. What is more, we know from his memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” that the young Obama would have identified with the Palestinian cause.

At Occidental, Obama tells us, he and his radical pals discussed “neocolonialism, Franz (sic) Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.” Given these interests, an allegory on Palestine would seem to have been well within his ideological wheelhouse.

If the poem is interpreted as allegory, it would seem that these war-like apes, the Jews of Israel, are exploiting, even despoiling the land in which they have settled. Note that the apes both “eat” the figs and are “stepping on” them.

-- Jack Cashill, Dec. 12 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:52 AM EST
Sunday, December 16, 2012
MRC Complains, But Doesn't Disprove
Topic: Media Research Center

Kyle Drennen devotes a Dec. 13 Media Research Center item to complaining that NBC's Chuck Todd said that Susan Rice withdrew her name from consideration to be secretary of state because she was the "victim" of "conservative outlets who were making her the center of the Benghazi story."

Does Drennen offer any evidence to counter Todd's assertion? No. He's simply complaining that Todd made what is apparently an accurate observation.

Consider this another example of the MRC attacking people for telling the truth.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:28 PM EST
Scott Lively Defends Uganda's Anti-Gay At WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Scott Lively declares in a fallacy-filled Dec. 12 WorldNetDaily column:

Now that Uganda’s so-called “kill the gays” bill has been revised to drop the death penalty and reportedly add provisions for prevention and therapy for homosexuality, I think there may be room for tentative support in the Christian community in the West, even though it retains jail terms for offenders.

In fact, as we've noted, it's far from clear that the death penalty provision has been removed.

Lively goes on to rant about how good it is that Uganda wants to make homosexuality illegal:

Just because secular humanist America began to decriminalize sexual sins in civilian law starting in the early 1960s doesn’t mean criminal sanctions against homosexuality are “un-Christian.” Indeed, given the enormous damage to our culture from the so-called sexual revolution, it was obviously a big mistake for us to have done this. Knowing what we know now, it is arguably more “un-Christian” to support the status quo than to support a return to the legal framework of the 1940s and ’50s regarding sexual misbehavior.

But homosexuality is already illegal in Uganda; this proposed law merely ratchets up the penalties. Nevertheless, Lively claims:

Second, in all the media-driven hysteria about the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill, one glaring fact has been consistently omitted (despite my having pointed it out to nearly every “journalist” who has interviewed me). The fact is, Ugandan law is typical of most African law in that it tends to be very harsh in the letter, but very lenient in the application. I doubt very much that anyone arrested under the new law (if it passes) will receive anything close to the jail terms allowed for in the bill.

So, shouldn't Uganda enforce the laws they already have instead of expanding the penalties? Lively is silent about this.

He is not silent, however, about how much he hates gays and doesn't understand sexual behavior:

Third, and most importantly, there is one easy, guaranteed method of protecting oneself from ever being subject to the anti-homosexuality law in Uganda: Don’t commit sodomy! We all seem to forget, in the dense propaganda haze of American popular opinion, that homosexuality is defined by voluntary sexual acts. Homosexuals are no more compelled to commit sodomy with each other than a married man is compelled to cheat on his wife.

Lively concludes his column this way:

However, since I didn’t write the Ugandan bill and have no power to redraft it on my own terms, and since the alternative to passing this bill is to allow the continuing, rapid, foreigner-driven homosexualization of Ugandan culture, I am giving the revised anti-homosexuality bill my support.

What Lively doesn't mention is that he did, in fact, influence those who did write the bill by pushing his anti-gay activism inside Uganda.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:37 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 16, 2012 8:17 PM EST

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