Topic: Media Research Center
Ads like this are being found across the various Media Research Center websites:
The ads link to the URL, which is actually a fund-raising page for the MRC. There's lots of bold type, italics and fearmongering about the "liberal media":
The liberal media were out of control this year as they worked on behalf of President Obama's reelection. They pulled out all the stops—from covering up his scandals and failures to blatant journalistic fraud. The leftist news media were not only 100% FOR Barack Obama and the liberals, but also 100% AGAINST anyone or anything that threatened them and their socialist agenda.
In the weeks leading up to the election, the left-wing "news" media:
- Knowingly covered up the administration's Benghazi debacle
- Consistently buried negative economic news—no mention of gas prices, real unemployment numbers, inflation, or the looming fiscal cliff
- Refused to report to America what Obama intends to do in the next four years
This isn't just media bias . . . it's censorship disguised as journalism—and it must be exposed!
This recent election has made it abundantly clear that the real battle for the hearts and minds of Americans is not being waged in Washington, D.C., or even on the campaign trail. It's being waged in the media, and the liberals are actively committed to victory by any means—even if that's a complete betrayal of every journalistic principle they were taught. This is why your gift to the Media Research Center is more important than ever. Your support will give the MRC the firepower to:
- Continue serving as the ONLY organization capable of and dedicated to exposing the media's anti–free enterprise agenda and to promoting a fair portrayal of the business community in the news and entertainment media
- Employ the most dedicated team of conservative expert news analysts who daily monitor all major nationally televised and print news broadcasts, publishing them daily in our state-of-the-art print and Internet publications, e-newsletters, blogs, websites . . . the works
- Remain on the cutting edge in the quest for truth, exposing media bias through our network of bias-busting resources—,, Newsbusters
- Act as the go-to resource for our conservative allies in journalism and talk radio, such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and Cal Thomas, providing them with the indispensable counter-punch to the Left's most notorious purveyors of liberalism in the press
With your support, it won't be long before the liberal media have lost ALL credibility and can no longer influence public opinion.
The MRC probably won't be telling potential donors how it squandered $5 million on billboards and Republican convention festivities and trying to keep people from finding out the truth about Republicans. And really, does the MRC have any credibility given all the dubious "research" it conducts and the false claims it publishes?