Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax works (most of the time, anyway) to defend Mike Huckabee against criticism of clemencies he granted as Arkansas governor that had deadly consequences. Read more >>
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New Article: Helping Huckabee
Topic: Newsmax Newsmax works (most of the time, anyway) to defend Mike Huckabee against criticism of clemencies he granted as Arkansas governor that had deadly consequences. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:13 PM EST
Chuck Norris Takes Obama Out of Context
Topic: WorldNetDaily What is with right-wing celebrities smearing President Obama by quoting him out of context? Following in the footsteps of Pat Boone, Chuck Norris uses his Dec. 20 WorldNetDaily column to attack Obama by heavily editing what he said to present it in a false light:
Norris has ripped the first statement and the similar Turkey statement out of context. Here's the full version of what Obama said in Turkey, according to the video Norris links to:
The other statements Norris cites come from a November 2008 speech that, as he notes, focuses on the importance on a secular government. Norris doesn't explain why he apparently opposes secular government. Of course, lying about Obama and taking him out of context is old hat for WND writers. Indeed, WND reinforced Norris' distortions by quoting them in a Dec. 22 article by Bob Unruh attacking Obama over a single ornament on a large White House Christmas tree that has, among the many images on it, a tiny image of Chairman Mao.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:06 AM EST
Molotov Mitchell Endorses Killing Gays
Topic: WorldNetDaily We already knew that Molotov Mitchell has issues with the mere existence of homosexuals -- after all, his extremist Christian movement, inspired by the straight-edge punk lifestyle claims to embrace "sexual purity through ... the abolition of homosexuality." Now, he's endorsing one method of achieving that abolition -- literally, through capital punishment. Mitchell's Dec. 23 WorldNetDaily video is dedicated to defending a proposed draconian anti-gay law in Uganda that would, among other things, make homosexual acts punishable by life in prison at minimum or the death penalty for those caught engaging in it more than once. It even punishes knowledge of homosexual activity with a prison sentence. But that's cool with ol' Molotov. He complained that pastor Rick Warren finally came out against the law "after a week of merciless taunting from some lesbian chick at MSNBC" (accompanied by an image of Rachel Maddow). Not only is killing gays endorsed by the Bible, Molotov claims, "our founding fathers also made homosexuality a capital offense. Molotov even finds further justification for the law, claiming that in the 1800s, the country "was oppressed by an evil homosexual king, King Mwanga." Besides, Molotov lectures, "Uganda is a soverign, democratic nation that's free to make its own laws." Despite his admission earlier in the video that the law would make homosexuality a capital offense, Molotov goes on to claim: "They don't want to kill the homosexuals; they just want them to stop practicing homosexual acts." That follows in the footsteps of anti-gay activists who attempt to separate homosexual behavior from homosexual orientation. Molotov then claims: "If gay Ugandans don't like the law, they are more than free to leave." He doesn't mention that the law would also apply to Ugandans living outside the country, even in countries where homosexuality is legal. Molotov again insists that "don't think that our founding fathers wouldn't support this legislation all the way." The on-screen text when he says this? "When Character Was King..." Leave it up to Molotov to equate killing people you don't like with "character." Most shockingly -- or maybe not -- Molotov concludes by quoting Martin Luther King: "The moral arm of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." He adds: "Ugandans, stay on the right side of history." "Abolition of homosexuality," indeed. Molotov must be wetting himself at the prospect.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:04 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:11 AM EST
WND's Defense: CAIR Doesn't Legally Exist
Topic: WorldNetDaily The lawyer for the co-author of a book attacking the Council on American-Islamic Relations is taking an unusual response to CAIR's lawsuit against the writer: CAIR doesn't legally exist. No, really. A Dec. 21 WorldNetDaily article lays out the defense being offered by Daniel Horowitz, lawyer for David Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gaubatz, who used his job as a CAIR intern to steal documents from the group:
That seems to be a bit of a desperate effort on Horowitz's part. After all, he had already capituated to CAIR to return the purloined documents (until the FBI conveniently intervened). Pretending that CAIR doesn't technically exist is Horowitz's apparent attempt to get out of the most damning issuethe Gaubatzes face -- that Chris Gaubatz reportedly signed a confidentiality agreement when he began the internship. The article offerds no indication that Horowitz is claiming Gaubatz never signed one; rather, he notes that CAIR has not been able to produce evidence any agreement was signed, and that even if one was signed, "this document would have been signed between a non-existent corporate entity and Chris Gaubatz. There need to be two parties to a contract." That's trying to escape on a technicality. While that's argably Horowitz's job as a lawyer, it's also a demonstration of the bad faith in which the Gaubatzes operated in their little, and possibly illegal, sting operation.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:08 AM EST
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Farah Buys Into Idea That Obama's Nobel Is Unconstitutional
Topic: WorldNetDaily Joseph Farah writes in his Dec. 22 WorldNetDaily column: Many have questioned whether Barack Obama truly deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. That's not the purpose of this column. As far as I am concerned, the Nobel ceased to have much in the way of honorific qualities after it was bestowed on such unsavory and unworthy candidates as Al Gore, Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev and Kofi Annan. My concern about Barack Obama's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize is that it was patently unconstitutional. I guess that should surprise no one given Obama's penchant for unconstitutional activity. Yet, this one is flagrant, personal and, worst of all, petty. Speaking of flagrant, personal and petty, Farah goes on to suggest that Obama "ignore[d] this constitutional provision" -- he claims that "an act of Congress would be necessary for him to accept the emolument" -- because "he considers himself above the law and the Constitution and/or because he really wanted to benefit personally from the award" and because "he actually seeks to undermine the foundational document of American government." Farah answered the first question earlier in the column by noting that Obama planned to donate the prize money to charity. What Farah doesn't mention, of course, is that the emoluments clause has, in practice, routinely been ignored; there was no agitation to enforce it when Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize. Nor do we recall any outcry from Farah when Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf was awarded an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth. So unless Farah is also demanding that Stormin' Norman relinquish his knighthood, he might want to give up this particular battle. After all, he has many other hateful Obama conspiracies to focus on.
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:38 PM EST
David Limbaugh Repeats False Smears of Jennings
Topic: WorldNetDaily In his Dec. 18 syndicated column -- published by WorldNetDaily and Newsmax -- David Limbaugh makes numerous false, misleading and anti-gay claims about "known homosexual activist" Kevin Jennings. Media Matters has the details.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:44 PM EST
Ponte: Obamacare Will Kill Santa
Topic: Newsmax
-- Lowell Ponte, Dec. 21 Newsmax column Ponte, who has a history of Democrat derangement, goes on at length about how "Obamacare" will kill Santa.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:22 AM EST
CNS Reporter Smears Reid As Baby-Killer Like King Herod
Topic: My goodness, reporter Penny Starr has some serious hatred in her heart for Harry Reid -- she essentially calls him a baby-killer. From Starr's Dec. 21 column:
Starr appears to be merely regurgitating unverified claims by anti-abortion activists -- as apparently lifted from another CNS article -- that the compromise agreed to by Sen. Ben Nelson, in some convoluted way, permits federal funding for abortion. Remember that Starr is not a columnist -- she is a reporter. In any other news organization, a reporter who expressed such an extreme opinion would have been disciplined -- at the very least, barred from reporting on the subject -- but at CNS, such a vengeful opinion will probably earn Starr a raise. After all, it does fit in with her anti-abortion activism as expressed through baseless, unbalanced attacks on Planned Parenthood. CNS purports to endeavor "to fairly present all legitimate sides of a story." It's unclear how Starr or CNS believe smearing a politican as a baby-killer fulfills that goal.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:05 AM EST
Geller Hates Muslims Because She Loves Movies and Music
Topic: Newsmax No, really. From Geller's Dec. 21 Newsmax column:
Yeah, lying and smearing for love is always a good choice...
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:29 AM EST
Monday, December 21, 2009
Death Threats STILL Piling Up in WND Poll Comment Thread
Topic: WorldNetDaily We detailed earlier today the death threats against President Obama by WorldNetDaily readers stacking up in a WND comment thread. Well, they're still piling up: And, as an extra special bonus, racism! UPDATE: A late-breaking threat ...
Mikaia, by the way, is a WND employee who serves as forum monitor. Nice to see that WND has no problem employing people who find racist humor funny.
Posted by Terry K.
at 5:29 PM EST
Updated: Monday, December 21, 2009 9:04 PM EST
Obama Death Threats Pile Up in WND Poll Comment Thread
Topic: WorldNetDaily Today's WorldNetDaily reader poll asks: "What would you like to give Obama for Christmas?" Unsurprisingly, the top three answers are birther-related, with one of them being, "A one-way ticket back to Kenya." What is also arguably unsurprising are the death threats piling up in the comment thread: And Joseph Farah wonders why people don't consider WND a legitimate news site... UPDATE: This is not the first time that WND readers have felt moved to threaten Obama's life. UPDATE 2: More threats!
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:30 PM EST
Updated: Monday, December 21, 2009 5:32 PM EST
This Just In: MRC Still Hates Ted Kennedy
Topic: Media Research Center Ted Kennedy may have died months ago, but the Media Research Center's visceral hatred of the man will apparently burn for all eternity. We've already documented how the MRC has repeatedly falsely portrayed an article about Kennedy as praise of him -- named it the MRC's quote of the year, in fact -- when, in context, it was criticism. Now, the MRC has demonstrated it plans to keep the flame of hatred for Ted Kennedy and obsession with Chappaquiddick alive in perpetuity by naming another Kennedy-related quote its quote of the year. This year's winner is not a network or even a newspaper employee, but a blogger, Melissa Lafsky, who is described by the MRC as "Discover magazine deputy web editor... who formerly worked on the New York Times’s Freakonomics blog," and whose post appeared at Huffington Post. Lafsky had the misfortune of running afoul of the MRC's Kennedy hate machine by writing upon Kennedy's death that "[One wonders what] Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded. Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it." The MRC's awards are supposedly for "the year's worst reporting." It's a bit of a stretch to treat a blog post by a non-journalist as "reporting." But that's how much the MRC hates Kennedy. That's not all. A Dec. 20 NewsBusters post by MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham assails a Parade magazine article on Kennedy's widow for not hating the late "pro-abortion, pro-gay ultraliberal" senator as much as he does. And, of course, he has to add: "'Tell that to Mary Jo Kopechne' was not a sentence that appeared in the article." Um, Tim? Teddy's dead. Has been for months. Get over it already.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:42 AM EST
Farah Still Wants You to Think WND Is A Legitimate News Organization
Topic: WorldNetDaily Poor Joseph Farah -- he still thinks his WorldNetDaily is a legitimate news organization. Farah plays the victim yet again in his Dec. 19 column, complaining that WND was "the only legitimate news agency banned by the U.N. convention" in Copenhagen. He goes on to insist: "As a 30-year veteran of the American press, I caution you that this is a threat to all the free press and your free speech and rights to self-governance. This is how it begins. If the U.N. can get away with denying access to a well-established and popular news agency, accredited to cover both the White House and the Congress of the United States, it can deny anyone." Farah's first problem is believing that WND is in any legitimate. How can a "news" organization that has published lie after lie about President Obama and his administration be considered in any way legitimate? His second problem is that little "Death to the U.N.!" thing, which he curiously fails to mention. And as before, he fails to explain why he's demanding press credentials from a group whose legitimacy he does not recognize and which he would like to see destroyed. Which, of course, is yet another reason why WND cannot be considered legitimate. But Farah's too busy throwing a pity party for himself to notice.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:07 AM EST
WND Declares War on Army Major in Afghanistan
Topic: WorldNetDaily It's not often a right-wing organization declares war on an active-duty soldier serving in Afghanistan, but that's what WorldNetDaily has done in choosing to attack Maj. Brian L. Stuckert. Why? Because because Maj. Stuckert has committed the offense of being conservatively incorrect. In May 2008, Stuckert -- then a student at the Army Command's School of Advanced Military Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas -- wrote a 61-page monograph titled "Strategic Implications of American Millennialism." In it, Stuckert examines how millennialism, specifically dispensational pre-millennialism -- the branch of Christian eschatology that Jesus will return to take up Christians into heaven by means of a rapture immediately before a seven-year tribulation, then return to Earth to reign for a millennia -- has influenced American military policy. Stuckert supports his claims with copious footnotes and an extensive bibliography. From the abstract of Stuckert's monograph:
Stuckert concludes:
Not an especially controversial conclusion, is it? It is if you're WorldNetDaily. Here's how a Dec. 19 WND article by Bob Unruh spun this paper -- and thus declared war on an active-duty soldier:
At no point does Stuckert, whom Unruh notes is "reportedly assigned in Afghanistan," demand that "Americans ... lose" belief in pre-millennialism -- he can't, given that Stuckert's monograph is directed at military strategists and not the American public at large. Nothing Unruh quotes out of the paper supports such a claim; indeed, the closest he comes is Stuckert's statement that "We must come to more fully understand the background of our thinking about the U.N., the E.U., the World Trade Organization, Russia, China and Israel. We must ask similar questions about natural events such as earthquakes or disease." That is clearly not the same thing as a demand that Americans abandon pre-millennialism, as Unruh claims. Unruh waits until the eighth paragraph to quote thte head of the Fort Leavenworth program saying that Stuckert's monograph "was simply an 'academic paper' like works at any college across the nation, 'which is to say it reflects the author's own opinions.'" Then, strangely, Unruh appears to give credence to Stuckert's conclusions by quoting a blogger's baseless and paranoid reaction to it:
Unruh also writes of McTernan, possibly explaining how this came to WND's attention in the first place:
Unmentioned, of course is the fact many of those articles on Obama's "core group of advisers" are false and misleading. Other than quoting a ranting blogger and distorting what he wrote, Unruh offers no challenge to Stuckert's views. Which raises the question: Why does WorldNetDaily hate our troops in Afghanistan? And why is it so afraid of an academic paper?
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:48 AM EST
Updated: Monday, December 21, 2009 9:12 AM EST
Sunday, December 20, 2009
CNS Column Repeats Misleading Claims About Stolen Emails
Topic: In a Dec. 18 column, professional global warming skeptic Patrick Michaels asserts that the stolen emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit shows that climate scientists were "seriously manipulating the scientific literature that goes into the august IPCC scientific reports" and "blacklisting certain professional journals." He adds:
In fact, as Media Matters detailed, the Climate Research paper in question -- a 2003 paper by Soon and Baliunas, which was underwritten by $53,000 from the American Petroleum Institute -- did have problems, and even the editors of the journal admitted that the paper's analysis was deeply flawed and should not have been published as written. Further, regarding papers that emails by Penn State University scientist Michael Mann showed he expressed a desire to keep out consideration by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Michaels' viewthat Mann was successful in doing so is belied by the fact that at least some of those papers did make it into IPCC reports.
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:12 PM EST
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