Topic: WorldNetDaily
The May issue of WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine carried the theme "The Elites' All-Out War On Free Speech" -- ironic, since WND has abused its free-speech rights by publishing fake news and bogus conspiracy theories. Still, WND made sure to milk things for full victimhood. So important was this issue considered to be that Joiseph Farah devoted his May 24 column to plugging it:
Are you sick and tired of being called an election denier, a science denier, a climate-change denier, a conspiracy theorist, accused of using hated speech, a purveyor of hate speech, a follower of fake news, a practitioner of disinformation, misinformation and malinformation?
It comes from the very top – conjured up by America's elites. That's right. The conspiracy mongers are right in front of us all. The result is censorship, like our country has never before seen or known – in the greatest nation founded by mortal men, great men and women, under the influence of God Almighty.
Now, in a 48-page color magazine, unusual these days as they dwindle among the fast-moving controlled media, WND brings you a historic special edition of Whistleblower magazine that blows the cover off this story of the most important kind – one that could never be brought to you any other way.
Farah promoted his own pet conspiracy theories, as well as lionizing Tucker Carlson:
Sometimes, as with many of the approximately 1,000 Americans arrested after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, decent people are unjustly incarcerated as in brutal Third World dictatorships, simply for holding – and expressing – political views condemned by the ruling elites.
This issue of Whistleblower focuses on Tucker Carlson, hands-down the most popular commentator in America, ousted by Fox News Channel's ruling Murdoch family on Monday, April 24, with no prior notice nor reason given. The cable news giant has been seriously hemorrhaging viewers ever since. Recently, insider reports have claimed that despite official denials from all sides, Carlson's expulsion was part of Fox's $787.5 million out-of-court settlement of the Dominion voting machine lawsuit.
Tucker freely expressed the still-forbidden, though wildly obvious, truth that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. After all, totally aside from the mountain of proven election "irregularities" (the last-minute unconstitutional rule changes, the unsavory "ballot harvesting," the double-counted ballots and so much more), Elon Musk's public release of the previously suppressed "Twitter files" prove conclusively that the "Deep State" colluded with Big Tech to alter the outcome of the 2020 election. Period. Just weeks prior to the election, the guardians of the internet knowingly suppressed overwhelming evidence of rampant corruption and criminality on the part of the Biden family, very much including "the big guy." Post-election polling revealed that Biden would have lost and Trump would now be president had Americans simply been allowed to hear the truth about Joe Biden before they cast their ballots.
Carlson also exposed the Biden administration's supremely reckless Ukraine policy of sending gargantuan amounts of taxpayer money and advanced weaponry to the epically corrupt eastern European country with no accounting required, while secretly pursuing the overthrow of Russian President Vladimir Putin – that is, a war of regime change in Moscow – thereby risking all-out global nuclear war.
He likewise exposed some of the many outrageous lies and injustices associated with the January 6 Capitol riot, dramatically airing for the first time long-suppressed surveillance video from that fateful day, the aftermath of which saw thousands of essentially innocent people accused of being terrorists, insurrectionists, white supremacists and Nazis.
The multifaceted and entirely unprecedented attacks on Americans' most cherished First Amendment freedoms – and how best to fight back – are illuminated as never before in the May issue of WND's critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled "THE ELITES' ALL-OUT WAR ON FREE SPEECH."
Managing editor David Kupelian ramped up the victimhood in a May 29 column that serves as the issue's lead essay:
These malevolent yet essentially meaningless expressions, such as “election denier,” “science denier,” “climate-change denier” and “conspiracy theorist,” are accompanied by open attacks on everything conservative and Christian as “hate speech,” “disinformation” and “misinformation.” There’s even a newly manufactured subvariant no one ever heard of before: “malinformation.”
And of course, there’s the favorite, back-of-the-hand catchall insult of the elites: “fake news.”
For example, Wikipedia lists WND as a "far-right fake news website ... known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories." That's from a website that daily publishes actual “fake news,” “falsehoods” and “conspiracy theories” on every major political and cultural topic affecting America’s future. In fact, Wikipedia’s massive 29,000-word article on Joe Biden includes only two sentences on Hunter Biden and the massive and overwhelmingly documented level of Biden family corruption and criminality. Here they are: “During the 2020 presidential campaign, Trump and his allies falsely alleged Biden had engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine related to his son, Hunter. A joint investigation by two Republican Senate committees released in September 2020 found no wrongdoing, nor did a Republican House Oversight committee investigation by May 2023.”
But WND does, in fact, publish fake news and misinformation. We've meticulously documented it, and WND has never disputed any of our documentation.Kupelian also complaioned about Carlson's firing:
Take Tucker Carlson, the most trusted news personality in America according to a recent poll, yet ousted by Fox News Channel’s ruling Murdoch family on Monday, April 24 with no prior notice nor reason given. The cable news giant has been seriously hemorrhaging viewers ever since. Multiple insider reports have claimed that despite official denials from all sides, Carlson’s expulsion was part of Fox’s $787.5 million out-of-court settlement of the Dominion voting machine lawsuit.
Regardless, many of America’s elites were delighted to see Fox News kill off its top show, since in their minds, the host was a purveyor of extreme rightwing conspiracy theories, an “election denier,” an ally of Vladimir Putin, and – of course – a racist.
Kupelian tried to conlcude on a rah-rah note:
In the end, the elites’ obsession with “election denialism,” “pro-Putin disinformation,” “white supremacist MAGA conspiracy theories” and other cruel absurdities is really just the playing out of their ongoing internal war with reality. Truth is virtually the only speech the “rulers of this world” cannot endure, since it tends to cause them unbearable conflict, seeing as it fans the flame of their conscience – the truth of God’s moral laws “written in their minds and hearts” – but with which they are at war.
Fortunately, there are still many millions of good, decent Americans – truly the best people on earth. Hundreds of thousands fought to protect this nation and many were wounded in battle – and of course many families have members who paid the ultimate price to defend this nation. They’re horrified at what is being described here. But they still love their country – and they want it back.
A good start in that effort is to speak the truth – boldly, kindly, clearly, joyfully, and without rancor or hate. It’s therapeutic to speak the truth with love. After all, you’re not insane, deplorable, irredeemable or racist, as they insist. You’re an American, with a God-given and constitutionally guaranteed right to speak your mind, come what may.
Kupelian's problem is that WND doesn't speak the truth -- its track record is one of spreading lies and disinformation. Lies and misinformation are not protected by the First Amendment, and the "constitutionally guaranteed right to speak your mind" doesn't keep you from facing the consequences of doing so, especially if you spread lies and misinformation. And, really, that's what's been happening to WND over the past few years -- people are tired of reading an untrustworthy website and businesses are tired of supporting one, so its finances have suffered accordingly. Yet WND sees no reason to change things, and it's continuing to publish the same old stuff that has brought it to the brink of non-existence.
WND has not been victimized by "elites" -- Farah, Kupelian and Co. have brought all this on themselves. And trying to turn their self-made issues into yet another conspiracy theory is more evidence that they have aggressively refused to learn from their mistakes.
UPDATE: Farah also promoted the issue in his May 26 column, claiming that Carlson getting fired from Fox News is "why I maintain free speech in America is obsolete. It's gone." He also claimed of the magazine: ". What our veteran staff and contributors meticulous unmask is the left's broad conspiracy, something they've been working on for decades – now literally on overdrive." We'd be more inclined to believe that WND staff is actually meticulous if Farah's misspelling of "meticulously" hadn't slipped past editors (if, indeed, WND still has copy editors).