Topic: followed its Media Research Center parent in moving from loathing Kayne West to loving him for his right-wing rhetoric and bromance with Donald Trump. After nearly a two-year period without mentioning him at all, West resurfaced to spout more right-wing anti-abortion talking points, and Susan Jones eagerly documented it in an Oct. 7 article:
Kanye West, the celebrity rapper, fashion designer, and leader of Sunday church services, recently sat for an interview with Tucker Carlson. West was wearing a badge with an ultrasound photograph of a baby in the womb.
"What does that mean?" Carlson asked West.
"It just represents life, I'm pro-life," West said.
Carlson asked him, "You wear it on a badge, what kind of response do you get?"
"I don't care about people's responses. I care about the fact that there's more black babies being aborted than born in New York City at this point. That fifty percent of black death in America is abortion.
“So I really don't care about people's response, I perform for an audience of one, and that's God.”
West, no stranger to controversy, said he took a lot of grief from his family and everyone around him for supporting Donald Trump and wearing a MAGA hat. West recently stirred things up by wearing a "White Lives Matter" shirt to his fashion show in Paris.
Two days later, West spewed on Twitter that he was "going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE" and bizarrely caiming that "The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew." nAnd like its MRC parent, it had trouble criticizing his anti-Semitism. An Oct. 10 article by Melanie Arter -- the day after West's outburst -- was focused on a Fox News interview with Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and touted that host Shannon Bream "asked Abrams whether she shares the view of rapper Kanye West, who told Fox News that there are more black babies aborted than born in New York City" while making no mention of West's anti-Semitic tweet.
CNS didn't mention West again -- during which time it was revealed that Carlson selectively edited his interview with West to remove parts in which he spouted anti-Semitism and said even more crazy things -- until a week later, when an Oct. 17 article by Arter announcing West' purchase of right-wing soial media site Parler finally mentioned West' anti-Semitism:
Rapper Kanye West, who now goes by the moniker “Ye,” is set to buy conservative social media platform Parler, the company’s CEO announced on Monday.
This comes as West was suspended from Instagram and locked out of Twitter because of an anti-Semetic [sic] tweet.
Much of the article was devoted to a statement by Parler CEO George Farmer -- who, like Arter, was not moved to criticize West's anti-Semitism. And like the MRC, Arter also failed to report that the person selling Parler to West is also a chief funder of her paycheck, Rebekah Mercer, as well as the fact that right-wing activist Candace Owens, who did the "White Lives Matter" shirt stunt with West, is married to Farmer, raising the possibility that she set in motion events that ultimately resulted in Farmer and Mercer unloading Parler on West.
It wasn't until another article later that day by Arter that CNS finally reported criticism of West's anti-Semitism -- albeit from Democrats, not its fellow right-wingers:
The White House on Monday condemned rapper Kanye West’s comments about Jews as news broke that the rapper is set to buy conservative social media platform Parler.
As reported, Parler CEO George Farmer announced Monday that “Parlement Technologies has entered into an agreement in principle to sell Parler to Ye (formerly known as Kanye West).”
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that she couldn’t speak to the purchase agreement of Parler, but she condemned what she called “anti-Semitism” and “hateful” and “insulting rhetoric.”
As a result of his tweet about Jews, West was recently suspended from Instagram and locked out of Twitter.
An Oct. 31 article by Arter finally brought a Republican, Sen. Rick Scott, into the discussion -- but only in a roundabout way, recounting a CNN interview in which Scott was asked to denounce not West's anti-Semitism but, rather, the phrase "Kanye Was Right About the Jews" being projected on a college football stadium.
It seems that CNS promotion of West over the past several years has made it surprisingly shy about condemning his anti-Semitism, espcially since it is so quick to promote right-wing Jewish groups like the Coalition for Jewish Values that frame any criticism of Israel by liberals and Democrats as anti-Semitism. That seems to tell us just how corrupted CNS' "news" product is -- after all, criticizing anti-Semitism wherever it surfaces should be a slam-dunk and one of the things both sides ought to agree on.