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Saturday, February 27, 2021
WND Columnists Refuse To Take Biden's Election Well
Topic: WorldNetDaily

COVID-19 was more than just a pretext for crashing the U.S. economy to take down Trump. It served to justify repressive police-state controls across the globe. The election-fraud campaign was about more than stealing the presidency. It produced the stunning abandonment of any pretense of fairness or due-process in the vicious enforcement of Marxist narratives by all the power players of the elites: a result that will likely not be reversed despite the coup being completed. The dystopian jack-booted surrealism of Baghdad Biden's pending "inauguration" is more likely a glimpse at the "new normal" than just an historical aberration.

That's the soberingly pessimistic view we must include in our contingency planning, even as we hope – and work – for the best.

-- Scott Lively, Jan. 19 WorldNetDaily column

In October, Joe Biden told us America is headed into a "dark winter" and repeated that phrase Wednesday in his Inaugural Address. As America and Western nations head into a new Dark Age, ordinary citizens have increasingly little say over their own nations' political decisions. And when voters do exert their preferences over the objection of globalist elites, the political establishment uses their control of the bureaucracy to hamstring and block every change until they can reassert control.

-- Sean Harshey, Jan. 20 WND column

It is frankly disturbing, and more than a little terrifying, therefore, that more than a few Democrats and left-leaning pundits are calling for Republicans and conservatives, including Christian Republicans, conservatives and supporters of President Trump, to be deprived of their rights to free speech and freedom to assemble peaceably, as guaranteed by the First Amendment in the United States Constitution. In fact, some of them are even calling for the establishment of reeducation camps for those who reject the political and economic talking points put forth by the Democratic Party and its echo chambers, Big Tech, the mainstream media and the teachers unions. This is a real concern. Look at how many Democrat-appointed judges who are willing to go along with such totalitarian nonsense. If Democrat-appointed judges can force a Christian baker to bake a cake supporting same-sex marriage, or pay a big fine that destroys his business, why wouldn't Democratic elected officials force people to publicly support a taxpayer-funded government program to burn books they don't like, including a program to imprison the authors of those books? After all, we've already seen some elected Democrats refuse to stop or prosecute "protesters" trying to remove statues of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant from the public square.

-- Ted Baehr, Jan. 20 WND column

It's beginning to occur to me that when Joe Biden talks about "unity," he's not talking about we deplorables, or loyalist Trump backers, or even just plain old Republicans.

Remember, Trump supporters are the ones he has called by such vicious names as "extremists," "white supremacists" and "domestic terrorists."<

In fact, as we have learned in the last few days, we are considered his enemies – worse than the Iranian regime, worse than al-Qaida, needing deprogramming – and prompting the announcement of a brand new domestic terror program aimed at us.

As far as Biden is concerned, he's coming after all of us – he's approving of it in advance, he's celebrating it. Why do you think his inauguration had 25,000 National Guardsmen? To protect a couple hundred people? To add an audience to the proceedings? Come on, man. This was a show of force – nothing less.

-- Joseph Farah, Jan. 20 WND column

Having successfully circumvented the will of the American people to an extent never before realized, look for the Biden administration, its surrogates, congressional Democrats and radical socialists at large to become emboldened to an exponential degree – far more than when Barack Obama occupied the White House. The majority of Americans simply have no advocate at this juncture, save for a paltry handful of Republicans in Congress. The socialists have won.

I could project what the weeks and months ahead might hold for us, but I obviously don't know for sure. As it stands, my past prognostications – accurate though they may have been – didn't count for much, save for the edification of those who were pretty well clued-in to start with.

-- Erik Rush, Jan. 20 WND column

I wrote a while back about what Ernest Hemingway described as a writer's most important tool: it's called "a built in, shock proof s–- detector." Mine has been blaring loud and clear since the campaign attorneys did not cite the U.S. Supreme Court's 1997 Foster v. Love 9-0 decision, which ruled that Election Day means Election DAY. Ballot counting stops at midnight. That's when it's over.

States never considered this when they counted their ballots and certified their election and ballot counting that went on for days. The Senate and House ignored it when they accepted those flawed results. You can work out for yourself where the end of Election Day left the two candidates last November. Maybe that is part of what is giving me this unfinished-story feeling.


Is it possible this coup is really directed against Almighty God and His government? The usurpers would be many: governments, our own as well as others, with cameo appearances by big media and big tech.

As such, would it be so surprising to see such an insurrection addressed by Almighty God? As the momentarily former President Trump likes to say, "I guess we'll see what happens."

Maybe you're not there yet. I understand. But I think we are going to see a divine response to what is in reality a coup against our Creator and His Laws.

-- Craige McMillan, Jan. 22 WND column

Remember the old New Orleans Saints coach Jim Mora, who went nuts at a press conference? "Playoffs? Are you kidding me? Playoffs?" he said.

You can quote me today: "Unity? Are you freakin' kidding me? Unity? There's no unity. President Joe Biden can mouth the word 'unity' all he wants. It's a lie. Democrats don't want unity. They want to censor us, ban us, purge us, wipe away American history like it never happened and then intimidate us into meekly going along with it all. They want us to kneel and say thank you while they destroy America and the American way of life. That's what they mean by 'unity.' So, you can take your unity and shove it where the sun don't shine."


Biden is not a "moderate." He is either a radical Marxist out to destroy America or a feeble old man with dementia being used as a puppet by George Soros, former President Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar and other radical, extreme, crazed America haters to destroy this country. But it really doesn't matter. Either way, he's leading us down the road to disaster, ruin, misery and poverty. He is going to turn America into Venezuela.

This isn't "unity." It's the destruction of America and everything that ever made it great. I'm not in unity. Are you?

Count me as "the Resistance."

Wayne Allyn Root, Jan. 25 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:08 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, February 27, 2021 11:39 PM EST

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