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Tuesday, January 12, 2021
WND's Election Conspiracy-Mongering, Part 6
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mr. President, your time is now. There is no tomorrow. Winning again in 2024 is not going to happen. You have to win now – for you, for your legacy, for the 74 million voters you love, for America, for American exceptionalism, for capitalism. There is no tomorrow. If you don't win now, there is no chance for you in 2024, for two reasons:

First, because Democrats cheated and stole this election, without punishment (so far). If they get away with rigging and stealing this election, it's all over for Republicans forevermore. They stole the election with you in charge. Who's going to stop them when they're in charge? That's like letting the wolf guard the hen house. It's only going to get worse.

Second, the 2024 election will not matter, simply because America won't exist in 2024 – not the America we know now. Democrats will destroy that America. Trust me, this will be a foreign country by 2024.

-- Wayne Allyn Root, Dec. 28 WorldNetDaily column

Democrats remain confident that they have pulled off a heist, which continues for the upcoming special election in Georgia on Jan. 5. Yesterday an Obama-appointed federal judge blocked a cleaning of the election rolls of improper voters prior to that election of new senators.

Georgia officials have sent warning letters to thousands of people who have improperly obtained mail-in ballots despite not residing in Georgia. The letters are destined for the trash can, as Republicans almost never really prosecute anyone for election fraud, particularly out-of-staters.

In Wisconsin, tens of thousands of votes should be disqualified due to fraudulent representations of confinement. A quarter-million people in Wisconsin were registered under a claim of indefinite confinement, not all of which were valid.

Lame duck Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., was reelected in 2016 on the coattails of Donald Trump, who garnered more votes than Toomey there. Toomey announced at age only 58 that he will leave the Senate for undisclosed, probably lucrative opportunities rather than fight to hold his GOP seat, while continuing to be ungrateful to Trump.

Like a bank president who looks the other way while his bank processes unverified signatures on checks, some Republican senators deny awareness of election fraud. But under the 12th Amendment, such weak-kneed senators do not certify the votes.

Senate President Pence alone has the constitutional authority to recognize Electoral College votes. Pence should decline to recognize the Biden votes from the states tainted by fraud and having rival slates.

-- Andy Schlafly, Dec. 29 WND column

The execution and aftermath of the 2020 election are nothing short of shameful. At this writing – nearly two months after the election on Nov. 3 – the public still does not have satisfactory answers about what took place during the counting of ballots on election night and the days immediately following. We clearly do not really know why counting suddenly stopped or paused in multiple battleground states on election night (unprecedented in the history of the country), or why the excuses that were offered at the time (for example, that a pipe had burst at the State Farm Center in Atlanta) were subsequently proven false.

Hundreds of witnesses have given sworn statements and testimony under oath, and the public has seen videos of behavior that is suspicious, to say the least. There are statistical anomalies – some say impossibilities – for example, that 100% of the votes that magically appeared in the middle of the night in Michigan and Wisconsin, after official vote counting had allegedly stopped, went for Joe Biden. Or how Biden managed to get more than 81 million votes despite losing Florida, Texas and Ohio, and taking only 527 of 3,113 counties, while former President Barack Obama won Florida and Ohio and took 875 counties.

-- Laura Hollis, Dec. 31 WND column

Biden could concede the election, claim he was doing it for the good of the nation (which would be true), because he had no idea of how dirty the election was (likely untrue). If Biden has already conceded, and Trump has that in his pocket, I would expect that Biden worked out a deal with prosecutors to help take down some really big, smelly fish in government and the corporate world. Who better to know the swamp than someone who has been swimming in it his entire career?

If the Biden concession were announced on Jan. 6, that would free Trump politically to invoke the Insurrection Act against the states that have acted in concert with foreign entities like the Chicoms (and many others). Such a roundup would mean the arrests of many corrupt state and financial actors in or connected to these battleground states. It would also include whatever actors Biden fingered as part of escaping a prison sentence.

A dirty election is a dirty election; a coordinated dirty election across multiple states with or without foreign assistance is an insurrection, subject to the use of military force against the plotters, without the permission of the states involved. I would also expect massive asset seizures against the plotters and financiers (read Executive Order 13848).


If President Trump were to invoke Article II, Section 4, he could certainly remove the existing state governments, set up a temporary government and schedule new elections in the fraud-prone, COVID-obsessed states. In some ways, I like this option better.

-- Craige McMillan, Jan. 1 WND column

Regardless of the political landscape at nightfall on Jan. 6, America's second revolution begins now, as the MAGA tribes begin their journey to Washington, D.C., at the request of our own Gen. George Washington, Donald J. Trump. While we faithful MAGA millions still have hope for a last minute turnaround in the Marxists self-driven "tide of history," the revolution does not depend upon that outcome. WE THE PEOPLE – the real Americans – are "mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore." Whether we are privileged to physically gather together with our peers on the National Mall or are forced by circumstances to be there only in spirit, we are united in patriotic zeal at a level not seen since the emperor of Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

We've suffered our own Pearl Harbor – an attack on our constitution and liberty that has unfolded in slow motion over the past four years, culminating in the Great Cockroach Reveal of the 2020 Election, when the tenacity and resolve of our president to prevent this nation from being stolen by Communist China and its captured elite stooges here at home switched on a spotlight exposing the full extent of their duplicity and corruption. Politically speaking, the sheep have been divided from the goats, the wheat from the tares, and the righteous from the wicked.


There is no peaceful resolution of this crisis. There is no short-term "return to normal." There is only a season of warfare of some kind – perhaps bloody, hopefully not – and then the restructuring of our government and culture through the active purging of the losing side from the seats of power – again, perhaps bloody, hopefully not.

If the Biden Theft of the Presidency is consummated, it is undoubtedly the left's intentions to see that WE THE PEOPLE be purged, and the long history of similar Marxist takeovers suggests it will be a very bloody campaign.

-- Scott Lively, Jan. 4 WND column

Back in the day, Richie may have been the greatest and most prolific horse-race fixer in history. He fixed over 1,000 horse races in 11 years at every racetrack in California, bribing over 100 jockeys. Eventually, he was convicted and served time in prison.

That was 25 years ago. Today, Richie is one of the good guys and a respected member of his community, as well as a noted philanthropist. But Richie still has his street smarts – something no one in Washington, D.C., has. For over 50 years, he witnessed the smartest and sharpest scammers and cheaters in the gambling world. No one can spot a scam like Richie. My buddy has a Ph.D. in the Art of the Steal.

Richie watched and studied the 2020 presidential election. He calls it "the greatest scam and steal in world history." He says anyone who denies this election was stolen is a criminal who was in on the scam, a bribed politician or bureaucrat who benefits from the scam, or a completely naive moron.

What does the world's greatest horse-race fixer believe happened on election night? Richie says it's clear that President Donald Trump won in a landslide in key battleground states, so big that Democrats had to move quickly to plan B and bring in reinforcements – vans, U.S. Postal Service trucks, even planes filled with fake ballots, in the wee hours of the morning, with no GOP witnesses watching.

The millions of fake ballots reportedly cast for Joe Biden weren't enough. Democratic scammers had to call a timeout and obviously brought in millions of additional fake ballots to erase Trump's massive lead.

In a coordinated conspiracy so easy to see – Richie calls it "amateur hour" – five states clearly agreed at the same time to pause or stop counting votes, thereby buying themselves time to have millions of additional fake ballots filled out, trucked in or, in some cases, flown into nearby airports.

In the case of Georgia, there are accusations of scammers faking that a pipe burst and caused a flood, during which they rolled out suitcases filled with ballots, all of which was caught on video.

Any idiot who isn't blind can see what happened, says Richie. It was as if a brazen gang of 50 carrying AK-47s and not wearing face coverings robbed five banks at the exact same time, showed their IDs on the way out the door and then got a blind eye turned by every FBI agent and every judge. Maybe people are in denial. Maybe the D.C. swamp got to them. Maybe they're in on the scam. A lot of respectable people in power must be getting filthy rich on this scam, says Richie.

-- Wayne Allyn Root, Jan. 4 WND column

The suggestion by a few Republican House members that they should stand down and allow certification of a fraudulent election would be an abdication of their duty under the Constitution. It would be wrong to embrace and allow wrongdoing by a handful of state officials, who violated the election laws enacted by their legislatures.

In Georgia, Pennsylvania and elsewhere, there was no signature verification of millions of mailed-in ballots as required by laws there. If the laws had been applied as written, then President Trump won those states and enough elsewhere to prevail in the Electoral College.


The House, voting by state, should make its own determination that the Electoral Count Act is unconstitutional in diluting the authority of the House. The Constitution is clear: The House selects the next president when there is election failure.

In our constitutional republic, our elected representatives can and should vote to protect the integrity of the selection of our next president. That will establish a necessary precedent that fraud never be allowed to steal a presidential election.

-- Andy Schlafly, Jan. 5 WND column

(Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.)

Posted by Terry K. at 3:05 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, January 14, 2021 1:24 PM EST

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