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Friday, November 13, 2020
MRC's Double Standard On Plantation References
Topic: Media Research Center

Finishing off the week before Election Day, NBC on Friday evening stoked racial fears and invoked violence against African Americans from the distant past as the NBC Nightly News likened Republican leaders to plantation owners who stopped blacks from voting in the 1870s.

In a piece featuring veteran civil rights activist Reverend James Lawson, after reporter Cynthia McFadden recalled complaints about voting rules enacted by Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott, Reverend Lawson reacted:"It's absolute suppression, regression. It follows the plantation owners of the 1870s who used bullets and guns to stop the voting. He's using the technique of voting to stop the voting."

-- Brad Wilmouth, Oct. 31 Media Research Center item

Black conservative Candace Owens has a brand-new book out titled Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation. That is published by Threshold Editions, a division of Simon and Schuster. Does anyone think CBS will lavish attention on this book as they did for Woodward, a Simon and Schuster author?

-- Tim Graham, Sept. 16 column

Listen, black-ish writers, it wasn’t the color of Obama’s skin that conservatives didn’t like. It was his politics. And trying to claim otherwise is an insult to every black conservative (you know, the ones you love to demonize for refusing to be part of the Democrat plantation, even if they're an intelligent and renowned pediatric brain surgeon), including new black conservatives in the “Walk Away” and “Blexit” movements who recognize how much Trump has done for their communities, and how little the left has ever done for them.

-- Dawn Slusher, Aug. 11 MRC item

There you have it. Tiger Woods needs to be reigned in and herded back to the progressive SJW plantation. The media says so.

-- Jay Maxson, June 2 MRC item

But it must be said here that there is an obvious reason why [Meghan] McCain is a target at The Times. Her self description as a “hyper, hyper conservative” is a serious no-no in the world of the Leftist State Media. The all too obvious truth is that in the world of identity politics, the Left views women —  and blacks, Latinos and in today’s world, gays —  as property of the liberal plantation. To stray —  much less to leave the plantation entirely —  and the masters and mistresses of left-wing ideology will come after you for certain.

-- Jeffrey Lord, Jan. 18 MRC column

[Joe] Scarborough adopts the patronizing view that people will vote their skin color instead of their interests; that voters of color will docilely remain on the Democrat plantation.

-- Mark Finkelstein, Dec. 12, 2019, MRC post

Posted by Terry K. at 1:37 PM EST

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