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Saturday, July 25, 2020
Mychal Massie Meltdown Watch, Cancerous Variola Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

They hate President Trump because he's everything they are not. They cannot buy him; and even worse, he loves America. President Trump opposes the looting, pillaging and selling of America's resources for personal wealth. The list of those having done that includes the Clintons, Obama, Romney, Biden, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein.

President Trump donates his entire presidential salary, which means he has endured nearly four years of relentless persecution for no reason except he loves America and knows he's capable of truly "making American great again" – something Ronald Reagan was the last "American Patriot" elected to accomplish.

President Trump is a monumental threat to those sucking the lifeblood from We the People. No group has amassed the amount of material gain "elected-for-sale" politicians and the wraith-like globalist necromancers that control them have. No cabal or cartel in the history of the world has participated in the financial cannibalizing of America for personal enrichment like those on Capitol Hill and their handlers.

President Trump has upset that gravy train, and the globalist political sect want things as they were. For that to happen, however, this president must go. But, to remove President Trump they need you and I to suddenly believe they have our best interest in mind. Funny how their concern for our well-being occurs every election, but I digress.


Since when did any of these cancerous variola truthfully care about America and specifically the military? It sure wasn't when Hillary was running illegal arms deals, which many believe led to the murder of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty in Benghazi. They didn't give a rat's tail when American border personnel and hundreds of innocent Mexican civilians/politician were murdered with weapons from Obama's illegal international gunrunning operation called Fast and Furious. There's no outcry over the billions upon billions of dollars Bush friends and handlers are still raking in thanks to his hedonistic monetary globalism cloaked in the veil of Middle Eastern military intervention for the security of America.

We must remember that every time they betray President Trump, these lucifarians betray us. If you don't believe me, take one look at what Dr. Fauci is now encouraging. Has it escaped you that as long as there was rioting and burning down entire neighborhoods there was no talk of COVID-19? In fact, dozens of so-called health care professionals signed a petition to encourage the protests, claiming all would be well. 

Now that the burning has been reduced to smoldering heaps, liberal governors are bilging Faucian fearmongering as reason to shut down their states again. This sets the stage for delayed school starts and to reverse the rapid economic gains made as the country reopens. The injury from this will be blamed on President Trump.

Fox News et al. are churning out false polls claiming Biden is leading the presidential race by anywhere from 10 to 20 points depending on the poll. Anyone with even a fraction of an IQ point knows that's simply impossible, unless they're polling exclusively Democrats. And for the record, there are many Democrats who won't be voting for Biden.

This is what's happening behind the curtain of the "B" word. The question we must answer is: Are we willing to go along with the shafting they're trying to give We the People?

-- Mychal Massie, July 6 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:26 AM EDT

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