Topic: really, really wants you to believe that Muslims aren't actually persecuted in the United States. On the same day, Dec. 9, it published two articles with effectively the same message.
Michael Morris asserted that "Despite the liberal narrative to the contrary, Jews, not Muslims, were the greatest victims of what the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program designated as religiously targeted hate crimes in America in 2014." Morris pointed out that according to these statistics, 56.8 of reported hate crimes targeted Jews, while "A mere '16.1 percent [16.1%] were victims of anti-Islamic (Muslim) bias.'"
Morris went on to note that there are even fewer anti-Christian hate crimes than anti-Muslim hate crimes, though he didn't admit that this throws a damper on right-wing claims of anti-Christian discrimination.
A column by the Heritage Foundation's Mike Gonzalez drives home the same right-wing message anti-Muslim violence isn't a thing:
At his national address Sunday night, President Barack Obama lectured Americans at length on the evils of Islamophobia. That is a lofty sentiment, no doubt, but the harangue did strike many as disproportionate. After all, on this score Americans can already be rightly proud.
Despite 9/11; two long and grinding wars against two Muslim countries; terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, Chattanooga, and San Bernardino; and the threat from ISIS, a murderous cult that has beheaded compatriots, Americans have by and large been paragons of equanimity and tolerance.
Candidates may say many things in the midst of an electoral year, but the FBI statistics show that Jews, not Muslims, are the greatest victims of what is designated as religiously targeted hate crimes in America.
Gonzelez did concede that there have been "isolated incidents of bigotry," and did surprisingly admit that these were "reprehensible." Then he quickly added: "But the real story here is that these are isolated events, and thankfully not part of some national furor."
After pretending that Islamophobia didn't exist, Gonzalez then proceeded to blame Obama for it anyway: " Obama may actually make Islamophobia more likely by A, not reassessing his failed strategy against ISIS, and B, appearing to cynically raise fears of Islamophobia to promote his multicultural agenda." Gonzelez also asserted that "The president’s churlish approach has served to divide America."
So people who hate Muslims aren't to blame for their anti-Muslim attitudes? Quite the pretzel of logic there.
Needless to say, CNS has never reported on the numerous anti-Muslim attacks happening across America since the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.
Also needless to say, neither Morris nor Gonzalez explained how many anti-Muslim attacks need to happen in America before they consider it to be an actual problem.