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Friday, April 10, 2015
WND's Unruh Censors Cliven Bundy's Violent, Racist Rhetoric To Mark 'Liberty Celebration'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh is in full hagiographic mode in an April 8 WorldNetDaily article:

A “liberty celebration” is on tap this weekend, Friday through Sunday, at the Bundy ranch in Nevada where just a year ago the family and hundreds of supporters stared down the federal government over plans to confiscate cattle from their historic grazing grounds.

And ranch patriarch Cliven Bundy says the fight really isn’t over for Americans until the federal government is pushed back into Washington and stays there.

Federal bureaucrats “are still moving forward,” he told WND.

“What they’re doing now, they are coming into organizations, county organizations, police forces, city forces, even state forces … buying their way in,” he said.

Bundy said the population of the U.S. – which he calls “We the People” – need to teach the federal bureaucrats their job under the Constitution is limited to designated responsibilities, such as establishing monetary policy and maintaining a national defense, and the rest is left to the sovereign states.

It was just a year ago that the Bundy family, reinforced by hundreds of like-minded Americans who converged on the Nevada desert to offer their support, stared down the federal government, which had come to confiscate the ranch cattle.

You'll recall, of course, that WND was one of Bundy's biggest backers, lionizing Bundy and those "like-minded Americans" who helped throw a temper tantrum and escalating the situation during last year's standoff.

Unruh made no mention of the threats of violence that came from Bundy and his "like-minded Americans" -- better known as militia thugs -- or a plan by one rogue militia member to use women as human shields during the standoff. Here's one of those charming "like-minded Americans" preparing to assassinate law enforcement during the standoff:

Unruh also fails to mention the racist statements Bundy made, claiming that blacks were "better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy." At the time, WND tried to do damage control by scrounging up the only black person it could find to explain away Bundy's offensive remarks: Alan Keyes.

It's telling that Unruh has to hide so many inconvenient facts about Bundy in order to present him as a right-wing hero. But then, nobody reads WND to get the facts, do they?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:51 AM EDT

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