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Friday, February 6, 2015
Liar Brent Bozell Turns Crusade Against Brian Williams Into Vendetta
Topic: Media Research Center

We've highlighted how Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell has no moral authority or credibility to demand that NBC's Brian Williams be fired over a falsehood -- after all, Bozell still has a job despite lying for 15 years about the authorship of his syndicated column.

Now, Bozell is in vendetta mode. A letter he sent to the MRC's mailing list starts:

I need you to take immediate action to help us bring down one of the most partisan left-wing propagandists on television. 

NBC’s Brian Williams shamelessly LIED about being inside a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq.

The fact that Bozell begins with his plan to "bring down one of the most partisan left-wing propagandists on television" before he gets to Williams' falsehood tells you that he doesn't actually care about the lie itself. He does care that he can exploit the lie as a cudgel to achieve a his goal of personally destroying Williams.

Demonstrating this further, Bozell goes on to rant in his letter:

Brian Williams’s influence extends far beyond NBC Nightly News viewers. He is beloved by the liberal entertainment media and routinely makes the rounds on Comedy Central and the late night talk show circuit.

This makes him all the more powerful.

Brian Williams is one of the biggest Obama cheerleaders on television. This is a man who infamously BOWED to Obama. He is a left-wing partisan who is committed to advancing the Left’s agenda.

And now he’s been exposed as a LIAR. He has no credibility and MUST be ousted.

Oh, and Bozell wants you to send money to his multimillion-dollar organization to accomplish this:

NBC News is feeling the heat. But we MUST maintain momentum to force NBC to pull the trigger on Brian Williams.

 There is one major roadblock to our effort…we did not plan for this campaign and so we did not budget for it.

Right now, we do not have the funds to continue bombarding NBC.

In order for us to sustain our efforts, we need to raise money.

Your generous donation will make the difference between Brian Williams continuing to anchor NBC Nightly News or losing his job.

Needless to say, Bozell does not explain to his readers why a shameless liar has any moral authority to lead this crusade.

As we said previously, if Bozell ever had the guts to apply the standards he's forcing on Williams to himself, he would resign from the MRC immediately and profusely apologize for misleading his readers for more than 15 years.

But Bozell is not a man of integrity; he is a man who has a vendetta to carry out.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:01 PM EST

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