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Thursday, June 12, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Christopher Monckton Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Christopher Monckton is a birther dead-ender, and birthers gonna birther. So Monckton spends his June 10 WorldNetDaily column blaming President Obama's decision to trade Gitmo detainees for Bowe Bergdahl on him not being a "natural-born citizen":

Why, then, did Mr. Obama take that bizarre decision? One reason stands out above all the rest. He is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. He is a citizen of Indonesia. He does not consider himself as owing any loyalty whatsoever to the United States Constitution, which debars him from holding the office he occupies. During his first election campaign, he spoke openly of the Constitution as an obstacle.

He was brought up as a Communist. He despises the liberty and democracy and prosperity that has made the United States powerful. He loathes capitalism. He execrates the West. He has on several occasions either identified himself as a Muslim or identified himself with Islamic causes. On the basis that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” he has shown himself relentlessly unwilling to stand up for America in the face of Islamic terror. And now he has shown himself willing to stand up for Islamic terror in the face of America.


But the intellectual and military history of the West in general and of the United States in particular means nothing to Mr. Obama. For, even if he were born in the United States, even if the Hawaiian “birth certificate” on the White House website/crime scene were not a transparent forgery, even if he had renounced his Indonesian citizenship and had obtained U.S. citizenship, even if he had not claimed a university grant on the basis that he was a foreigner, even if his draft card were not a forgery, he hates America and all that she stands for.

Even if the birther conspiracy theories Monckton spewed were not discredited, Monckton would continue to spew them anyway.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:19 PM EDT

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