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Monday, June 2, 2014
WND Freaks Out Over Preserving Gay Landmarks
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily, as befits a website with an anti-gay agenda, is not taking well the news that the federal government wants to preserve gay-related landmarks.

WND promoted a May 29 article on the subject on the front page with the headline "Obama's feds to honor America's moral decline":

The headline of the actual article is only slightly less awful: "'Gay' national monuments to rewrite America's history."

The article itself, by Bob Unruh (which, despite WND's promotion, does not mention Obama), makes no mention of any purported "rewriting" of American history; rather, Unruh spends much of it seizing on the idea that Harvey Milk’s former camera shop in San Francisco might be considered a landmark to rehash right-wing attacks on Milk and to quote a right-wing activist ludicrously complaining that popularity should determine what history gets preserved.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:26 AM EDT

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