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Saturday, June 23, 2012
Immigrant-Hater James Walsh Purports to Speak for Hispanics
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax columnist James Walsh is not exactly known for his friendliness toward immigrants to this country, many of whom are Hispanic. And he's particularly upset that Hispanics voted for President Obama (though he's lying about whether "illegal" immigrants voted).

Despite that, Walsh insists on speaking for Hispanics and declaring he knows what they really want, which he does in his June 21 column:

What does the Hispanic community think of deferred deportations? Many have their doubts about Obama and his repeated promises of comprehensive immigration reform — La Promesa de Obama — dating from 2007. During a February 2012 interview with the Hispanic television network, Univision, the president said, “I’ve got another five years coming up. We’re going to get this done,” suggesting comprehensive immigration reform.

Many Hispanics want to know why, in 2009 and 2010, when the Democrats controlled the White House as well as the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, was neither immigration reform nor the DREAM Act enacted? Obama never intended to actually seek the passage of comprehensive immigration reform, as it would defeat his idea of marginalizing America.

Recent surveys show that Hispanics are worried about jobs, the economy, education for their children, and fiscal solvency, with immigration coming in a poor fifth. The average U.S. citizen/taxpayer of Hispanic lineage also worries about the additional costs of adding an estimated 1.4 million illegal-alien youth up to 30 years old to the welfare rolls.


Hispanic voters realize that Obama is pandering to them by offering a campaign concession with limited shelf life. They know by now that long-term meaningful immigration reform is not part of Obama’s game plan.

How does Walsh know all this stuff about Hispanics? He doesn't say.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:45 PM EDT

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