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Friday, July 3, 2009
Your Jackie Mason Bile-Filled Rant of the Week
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A little birdie tells us (in the form of the WorldNetDaily commentary page) that it's time for another bile-filled anti-Obama rant from Jackie Mason. Take it away, Jackie, and make sure you hit those right-wing talking points while you're at it:

You know what I want to talk to you about? I bet you'll never guess: Barack Obama. You know why? Because there's nothing m ore important than what Barack Obama's doing right now. I'm talking about the harm he's doing -- I wish there was something good he was doing. But one thing I do know, that he's doing anything possible to destroy everything that this country represents

Free enterprise is the essence of America. That's what made this the most powerful country in the world, and he's destroying the whole free enterprise system of this country without announcing it. While he's telling you about how he's trying to help everybody get a job, we're losing jobs every day. He came in with 6 1/2 percent unemployment, it's 10 percent unemployment. While he's telling you he's worried about the deficit, he created a $900 trillion deficit. He can take any action in a second and a half that will destroy the economy and do everything to undermine everything this country represents. A nationalized health care system where all of a sudden nobody will be able to get health care without waiting six months, 10 months, a year and a half for any operation that's necessary.

Anything that will do harm to this country, he could do in a second. He's the most decisive president who collects more things and plans to destroy America than anybody in the history of this country. Nothing he's done is to serve any good purpose whatsoever in any way in this country. There's nobody more decisive when he wants to destroy things, but when he wants to do something important like Iran -- when Iran started killing people in the streets by the hundreds, he couldn't get his voice out. He could -- he forgot that he's president. All of a sudden, he couldn't function. He because paralyzed or retarded, and it took him a week and a half to even say there's anything wrong with what they're doing.

At this point, Mason descends into a retread of last week's rant in which he displays his ignorance about Iran and world politics. The only change is an attack on the United Nations: "The U.N. is a wealthy bunch of frauds and lowlifes and pigs whose only purpose every time they have a meeting is to call America names for our own money."

Even Mason's call for Obama to act more decisively on Iran is hateful:

For the first time in your life, do something good. Take an action that serves a purpose for the good instead of destroying the economy of America. When it comes to deficits, you're an expert. When it comes to taking some kind of action that will do any good, we can't hear from you. You lost your job. You forgot you're the president. Do something! Once and for all that will serve a purpose for humanity of this country and this world.

When did Jackie Mason become an old, Jewish Joseph Farah?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 AM EDT

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