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Thursday, October 26, 2023
WND Turns To Gateway Pundit Again For Dishonest Defense Of Capitol Rioter
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has once again farmed out to the notoriously unreliable Gateway Pundit a wiidly dishonest defense of a participant in the Capitol riot. Jim Hoft served up the dishonesty in a Sept. 6 article:

Infowars host Owen Shroyer pleaded guilty in June to a single Class A Misdemeanor of Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds on January 6, 2021.

he highly talented journalist was initially charged in August 2021 — eight months after remaining outside the US Capitol on January 6.

After nearly two years of fighting charges related to his presence outside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 Owen made the decision to plead guilty to a lesser charge.

Shroyer allowed the government to review his social media accounts — likely looking for any scrap of incriminating wrong-think they could find.

Owen stood outside the US Capitol. Owen and Alex Jones warned people about going inside the Capitol. They knew it was a setup. Instead of being awarded medals for their actions that day, the regime arrested Owen months later on bogus charges. After all, he IS a Trump supporter.

Today DOJ prosecutors sought 120 days of prison time for Owen. They want him prosecuted for “speech crimes.”

Who are the real criminals here?

Do not fool yourself. The regime wants to treat every Trump supporter like this. They want to jail us all. And they will do just that if we let them.

Hoft, unsurprisingly, is lying. As an honest and credible media outlet reported, Shroyer was facing prison time despite not entering the Capitol because he violated a 2019 agreement with authorities -- made after he interrupted a congressional hearing -- that deferred prosecution because he agreed "loud, threatening, or abusive language, or to engage in any disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place upon the United States Capitol Grounds."

When Shroyer was sentenced to 60 days in jail -- half of what was sought by prosecutors -- WND reprinted another screed on Sept. 12, this time by Alicia Powe:

Infowars reporter and War Room host Owen Shroyer was sentenced to 60 DAYS IN PRISON – Owen stood outside the Capitol and warned Trump supporters not to go inside the U.S. Capitol.

Owen also frequently spoke out against the stolen 2020 election.

DOJ prosecutors sought prison time against Owen for this speech crime!

For this he was sentenced to 60 DAYS IN PRISON.


Owen stood outside the U.S. Capitol. Owen and Alex Jones warned people about going inside the Capitol. They knew it was a setup.

Instead of being awarded medals for their actions that day, the regime arrested Owen months later on bogus charges. After all, he IS a Trump supporter.

Today DOJ prosecutors sentenced Owen Shroyer to 60 days of prison. They want him prosecuted for “speech crimes.”

Like Hoft, Powe is lying by censoring the fact that Shroyer is getting jail because he violated a previous deferred-prosecution. She also didn't mention that, as another credible news outlet reported, Shroyer was very much riling up the crowd -- not trying to turn them away -- and that the judge told him, "I do not believe that you were trying to distract the crowd or turn the crowd away from the Capitol."

It has since been reported that Infowars won't pay Shroyer's salary while he's rotting in jail, which is arguably hilarious for everyone not named Owen Shroyer, Gateway Pundit or WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:16 PM EDT

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