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Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Newsmax's Morris Serves Up The Expected Biden-Bashing
Topic: Newsmax

When he's not fluffing Donald Trump, perpetually wrong Newsmax pundit Dick Morris continues to feed the right-wing content machine with the usual complaints about President Biden and related subjects over the past few months:

Morris has also written the kind of Biden-bashing opinions that keep him employed at Newsmax. He used an Aug. 3 column to cheer how the right-wing attacks on Biden are hurting his favorability ratings, while Trump is allegedly unscathed:

Trump has acquired more antibodies against personal negatives than his opponent has ever had.

Neither man can claim to be unscathed by the charges against him. Whether they are aired in a courtroom or a hearing room makes little difference. They are both hurting.

But Trump and his supporters are more accustomed to the pain of hearing their candidate defamed and slandered. They read it every day in the media.

The charges against Biden, on the other hand, are new. Voters have always suspected that Trump would do anything to win and, if they vote for him anyway, largely forgive him his take-no-prisoners attitude. But the attacks on Biden and his family accusing him of bribery are relatively new.

Morris similarly complained in an Aug. 11 column: "Unless and until Biden is under actual impeachment by a vote of the U.S. House of Representatives, it will be impossible for the Biden scandals to get equal time."

Morris used a Sept. 5 column to tout a Biden-bashing poll that he doesn't disclose was conducted by Trump's election pollster:

In a McLaughlin survey of 1,000 likely voters, taken on July 25, 2023, 10% of those who voted for Biden in 2020 have now switched and would vote for Trump today.

Buyer’s remorse.

By contrast, only two percent of those who voted for Trump would now switch and back Biden instead.

The eight point differential between those who switch to Trump and those who switch to Biden accounts for all of Trump’s margin over Biden in the poll.


Biden's record as president is now set in history as an all-time failure and whatever hope he had that Trump’s vote would crater under the impact of four indictments now is clearly illusory.

Trump is on the road to victory. Biden is on track to oblivion.

Morris spent a Sept. 25 column claiming that a single bad poll means that Biden should drop out of thte race:

After working with him in the Clinton White House, if there is one Democrat I know inside out, it is my former colleague George Stephanopoulos. The recent ABC/Washington Post poll showing Trump 9 points ahead of Biden bears all of his fingerprints.

After years of seeing polls deliberately skewed against Trump to discourage people from backing or donating to him, we now have the spectacle of a poll biased for Trump, likely designed to force Biden out of the race.

Stephanopoulos would never have permitted ABC to go with a poll that shows Biden losing by 10 points unless he wanted to send a message to his party: Dump Biden.

Morris didn't mention that respected political analyst Larry Sabato called the poll a "laughable" outlier.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:28 PM EDT

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