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Tuesday, August 30, 2022
CNS Summer Interns Spent Less Time Pestering Members Of Congress Than In The Past

The summer interns at larely kept themselves busy by pushing right-wing narratives and pretending they were doing journalism -- a change from previous years when their main task was to pester members of Congress with loaded questions (that also pushed right-wing narratives). The interns did manage to squeeze in a few rounds of pestering, though few congresspeople got hit up with the same question. We've already noted one question regarding President Biden's trip to Saudi Arabia and another about minimum ages to purchase guns; here's a summary of what they asked and who the targets were.

“Majority Leader Schumer publicly declared in 2020 that Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh had ‘released the whirlwind’ and ‘won’t know what hit them’ if they joined an opinion limiting abortion. Was that appropriate rhetoric for a Senate leader?”

“The Second Amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms. Should the Constitution be amended to remove it?”

“The Constitution requires that the president must be at least 35 to take office. Do you think that there should be an age maximum?”

“The Women’s Health Protection Act would legalize abortion nationwide. Do you believe killing an unborn child is moral?”

“The House passed the Respect for Marriage Act, which requires all states to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. Do you believe that a baby has a right to a mother? Or are two fathers just as good as a mother and a father?”

“CDC data indicate that abortion disproportionately targets black babies. Do you think Congress should do something to protect those babies?”

“Senator, the economy has now contracted for two straight quarters. What do you believe is causing that contraction?”

“Should Speaker Pelosi have gone to Taiwan?”

“There are two babies eight months past conception: One is in the womb; and one is born. Are they both considered ‘persons?’ Or is personhood defined by the baby's location?”

“As the Senate moves on with the CHIPS bill, is there more that should be done to help American manufacturers compete with China?”

“The federal government collected record taxes in the first nine months of this fiscal year, but still ran a $515-billion-dollar deficit. Will Congress ever balance the budget?”

“The Ukrainian Center on Countering Disinformation has compiled a list of people they accuse of promoting Russian propaganda. The list includes a member of Congress and a former member as well. Do you believe that other members of Congress are promoting Russian propaganda about Ukraine?”

As usual the list skews Republican, but the surprise is how many questions were targeted at only one or two members of Congress. It's hard to tell if that was a deliberate strategy or the interns simply running out of time. The pestering is mainly destined for resume-padding when the interns try to find real-life jobs.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:15 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 8:15 PM EDT

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