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Wednesday, August 24, 2022
WND's Lively Launches Sleazy Attack On Harris
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When WorldNetDaily columnist Scott Lively is not fluffing Vladimir Putin or spewing hate at LGBT people, he has the occasional meltdown about Democratic politicians. LIke this sleazy July 25 attack on Vice President Kamala Harris:

The American experience has become a horror story that's about to get truly scary. The most blatantly sexually corrupt – and publicly reviled – woman in American political history remains just one heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States as the Obama team waits for the exact right moment to pull the plug on putative "President" Biden.

What started in 1620 as the dream of America as a "Shining City on a Hill" has morphed into the nightmare of "The Shining" with crazy Joe Biden as the ax murderer of cultural normalcy, Jack, and Kamala Harris as the hapless wife, Wendy (set to inherit the dystopian ruins he leaves behind). But Harris' story goes much deeper than Hollywood – to the apocalyptic Babylonian script of Revelation 17, which America now emulates, in which she IS the "Horror," if not (technically) the "Whore" of Babylon.

Lively did not explain how Harris is supposedly "blatantly sexually corrupt" -- he's likely alluding to the old debunked right-wing slut-shaming that Harris advanced her political career through an affair with California politician Willie Brown. Fellow WND columnist Mychal Massie advanced the smear, and even the reasonable-by-comparison Media Research Center tried to as well.

From there, Lively spouted a bunch of bizarre conspiracy-mongering about Barack Obama, which somehow culminated with Harris:

That old serpent Barack promised to fundamentally transform America – and man, has he delivered. In his eight years in the White House, he mysteriously transformed this once-Christian nation into a demon-infested Babylon, and then, from his shadow-government war rooms in downtown D.C., he first orchestrated the 2020 election coup and has ever since played the part of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen to Biden's evil "Chucky" revision of the lovable Charlie McCarthy doll (a wooden puppet controlled by an arm up his backside), as Obama's minions feverishly consolidated their control over all our institutions under the cover of a continuing medical pandemic and a "domestic insurrection of white supremacists."

Obama's next major milestone and the ultimate humiliation of the "white America" he so fervidly reviles will be the ascension of the utterly inept and embarrassingly gauche Kamala Harris to the highest office in the land, at the very height of our worst national crisis ever.

After quasi-clarifying that "In the Bible, the 'Whore of Babylon' is not a woman but a city," Lively ranted even more about Harris and Harris-adjacent things:

What is not speculative, is the seeming inescapable, horrifying specter of our country falling into the incapable hands of Kamala Harris as the world collapses into lawlessness and chaos.

"Who can save us from this nightmare?" is the natural question we're all intended to ask at this stage – because it has all been staged to bring us to this very spot, where fear and anxiety make us ready to accept whatever "savior" the dark principalities and powers plan soon to unveil. The Whore of Babylon is just a supporting role in this real-life horror movie, while the Luciferian "Star" waits in the wings. Somehow, some way, I suspect it will be Obama.

However, no matter what human form that false Messiah will take, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Choose you this day whom YOU will serve.

Lively has shown by his unhinged hate who he serves.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:18 PM EDT

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