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Saturday, February 26, 2022
Joseph Farah's Biden Derangement Syndrome Watch, New Year Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joe Biden took the presidential oath of office Jan. 20, 2021, repeating these words: "I, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God."

Does anyone seriously question the words "solemnly swear," "faithfully execute," "to the best of my ability," and, most of all, "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God"?

I do.

I question every word he now speaks.

I always did.


There's so much oppression in this country. It represents the proof we have needed to know that Biden was always evil, out of touch with America, fully corrupt. Does anyone need convincing that he would steal an election if he could?

Again, I repeat what he said in his oath of office.

Does anyone seriously question the words "solemnly swear," "faithfully execute," "to the best of my ability," and, most of all, "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God"?

-- Joseph Farah, Jan. 17 WorldNetDaily column

Whether it was done through the voting machines, phony ballots, illegal votes, Big Tech collusion, or just plain old corruption like Joe Kennedy once played in 1960 in the state of Illinois, anyone who still has doubts that there was widespread cheating in the 2020 election must have his head examined.

Does anyone think that Joe Biden actually got a record number of popular votes, more than Barack Obama – some 81.2 million – that year? How in the hell could he do that while hiding in his Delaware bunker?

Meanwhile, Donald Trump was drawing record crowds all over the nation. He supposedly only received 74.2 million votes.

Come on, man!

This was shameful! And we're only figuring it out now – and Joe Biden is seemingly figuring it out along with us.

What's the proof? Look at Biden now! He's so angry. He hates the American people. He blames THEM for his own failures!

How can the president of the United States not have respect and reverence for the people who (supposedly) put him in office?


Joe Biden has got all the trappings of power – and it will do him no good.

This was all predictable. I think of Barack Obama's words: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f–- things up."

That was stated in more normal times. But today we're witnessing Biden under extraordinary pressure – on the verge of losing his power to fool people. He's irrational. He condescending. He's frustrated. He's embarrassing himself and this once great nation.

Joseph Farah, Jan. 18 WND column

The toughest question of the night came too late.

It was a question posed by James Rosen of Newsmax. It was about a Politico poll that found a majority of voters don't think Biden is "mentally fit." He proved that point in this press conference.

What did Biden say?

He broke into a wide grin and said, "You all make the judgment that they're correct."

Rosen continued: "If you'd let me finish … why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness?"

"I have no idea," was Biden's response.

It was the only truthful thing Biden said the entire night.

-- Joseph Farah, Jan. 21 WND column

We don't have an actual president.

We don't even know who's calling the shots.

We don't have a vice president.

We don't have a Congress, either.

America is in a free fall.

These are the most dangerous times the nation has experienced – ever!


A recent poll shows the president is "incompetent," with 52% wanting him to take a cognitive health test and release the results. Only 43% believe him.

-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 11 WND column

You might remember, back in the administration of Barack Obama, there was a popular ditty by Victoria Jackson, late of "Saturday Night Live," called "There's a Communist Living in the White House."

​Jackson had joined the Tea Party. She had already endorsed my buddy Rush Limbaugh for president, who died just a year ago. And she came on a WND cruise to Alaska with us. She just loved to strum her ukulele while singing odes to Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee.

And the funniest thing she ever sang was "There's a Communist Living in the White House."

I was thinking about that recently. If Obama was a communist, what do we have today in the White House?

A pretender? A fascist? A dunce? An incompetent? A traitor to these United States and everything they stand for? A guy who is few French fries short of a Happy Meal? A tad cognitively challenged?

Biden sees Americans as domestic "enemies." Remember when he called Americans who believed in voter integrity racists like George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis – all Democrats?

And we're supposed to believe that this is the guy who won a record number of popular votes – 81.2 million – in 2020? I wouldn't be surprised if he actually got less than half of that. For being part of that fraud, he will always live in infamy, shame, dishonor and contempt.

He's irrational. He condescending. He's frustrated. He's angry. He's embarrassing himself and this once great nation.


What is there to like about Joe Biden? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 23 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 4:46 AM EST

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