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Wednesday, June 30, 2021
MRC Lashes Out At Demi Lovato, Model For Being Non-Binary
Topic: Media Research Center

If you're a celebrity and you're not heterosexual, the Media Research Center will try to destroy you. (Just ask JoJo Siwa.) And you don't even have to be gay to get the treatment -- any less-than-totally-heterosexual orientation will set off the MRC's hate machine. Veronica Hays devoted a May 19 post to lashing out at singer Demi Lovato, viciously questioning her mental health and petulantly ranted that she would call Lovato whatever she wents, regardless of who Lovato says she is:

Singer Demi Lovato has declared that “they” are non binary and now use they/them pronouns.

This latest manifestation of Lovato’s rapidly-declining mental health means that she has decided she no longer can be classified as one of the two biological sexes. She is neither male, nor female, nor does her identity correspond with any other invented gender. Incredible.

There is violence and terror in the Middle East, America is in political, social, and economic turmoil, a global pandemic is raging, but many news outlets are reporting on what gender, or lack thereof, Lovato deigns to assume this morning.


Charlotte Clymer, a transwoman and LGBTQ activist, tweeted that “this is going to be such a source of strength for countless trans and non-binary young people who feel alone in the world.” Clymer thanked her while also noting for the skeptics that “trans and non-binary people have always been around, and the reason you’re seeing an increase in our visibility is because its increasingly accepted to be who we really are. Instead of being cynical, you should honor that.”


Misgendering individuals through use of incorrect pronouns has become a capital offense, so be sure to always ask and use someone’s preferred pronouns unlike the author of this article. In the meantime keep Lovato and other gender-confused persons in your prayers, along with Western Civilization as we approach collapse.

If Lovato's declaration is a sign of her being mentally ill, can we also say that Hays' juvenile screed is an manifestation of mental illness as well?

But the MRC wasn't done kicking Lovato. A May 20 post by Lindsay Kornick cheered a previously unknown radio host's Hays-esque rant about Lovato:

Barely twenty-four hours after Demi Lovato’s announcement about being non-binary, and it’s already causing controversy. A radio host is starting to feel the brunt of the woke mobs for even wanting to even joke about it.

On Wednesday when singer Demi Lovato officially announced a switch to “they/them” pronouns and a “non-binary” status, radio host Matt Siegel came under fire for discussing, or rather not discussing, the news. Host of the popular Boston-based radio show Matty in the Morning, Siegel claimed the higher-ups of his show ordered him not to talk about Lovato’s recent announcement on the air.

That Wednesday, he went into a rant describing his anger at the request, seemingly threatening to quit by ending his show early.


Despite this, Siegel returned to his show on Thursday apologizing for his outburst. He claimed "I was on a roll, and I haven't been on a roll in a long time. And that's when I got the call and I just snapped. I just said, 'I can't be here anymore.’”

Kornick seems to be suggesting that it's Lovato's fault that Siegel couldn't act professionally. It's not.

The next day, Kathleen Krumhansl caught the Hays hate bug, ranting that a Spanish-language network covered Lovato:

As we’ve often noted, immigration is the topmost issue for the Latino nets, but they're also invested in pushing the entire liberal policy agenda upon their viewers. In the latest example, Telemundo force-fed the trans agenda, seizing upon Demi Lovato’s decision to come out as non-binary.

Watch as anchor Nicole Suarez asked contributor Paola Ramos: “What does it mean to belong to this group that doesn't feel like a man or a woman?” This set up Ramos’s response: “A person who has a fluid gender identity.”

Telemundo’s midday report was the last of four Telemundo stories on Lovato’s “surprise,” which added up to four minutes of air time. This, of course, meant four minutes not spent covering the crisis at the border, sagging employment, inflation, or gas prices. Changing pronouns was apparently more important, as was Ramos’s ongoing effort to unwind and remake the (gendered) Spanish language. 

Actually, transgender and nonbinary are not interchangeable terms, so Krumhansl is wrong in claiming that "the trans agenda" is being "force-fed" (aside from not explaining what "the trans agenda" is or why the mere act of reporting on Lovato means it's being "force-fed"). Oh, and Krumhansl forgot to mention a key reason why a Spanish-language network would report on Lovato: she's part Hispanic. Krumhansl is apparently going to deny Lovato that too.

Apparently because her hate wasn't sated by trying to trash Lovato, Hays came back on May 21 to lash out at another non-binary person, this time a model:

Haven’t you heard? Identifying as nonbinary is the hottest trend at the moment. Demi Lovato sent shockwaves around the world just this week for coming out as "non-binary" and now Elle UK is making history for featuring their very first non-binary cover model. 

Australian-British model Olly Eley, who, mind you, uses the pronouns “they/them” is starring on the latest issue of Elle UK. The strikingly androgynous, biological female poses topless on the front cover with the caption “The End of Gender? Why this model will change the way you think.” Any rational person is not likely to be swayed by the illogical nonsense Eley’s article consists of. 

The piece is prefaced with “What happens when the body you’re born with doesn’t reflect the person you are? As a new generation questions the conventions of gender, model Olly Eley explains their journey of finding themselves beyond boundaries.” This does not bode well.

“The first time someone used the pronoun ‘they’ instead of ‘she’ for me, it felt like peace,” says Eley. “I’ve never felt female, but then neither have I felt male.” Eley then implies gender is a spectrum saying, “If there was a thin line that connected the two genders, I would be a dot floating somewhere between the two, but untethered to the line altogether.” … That does not make any sense. But don’t you dare question it, bigot!


Eley’s perverse gender theory makes no sense. The mental gymnastics are exhausting and pointless. 

Finally, the ultimate subversion: “The truth is, this backwards society we live in wants me to have to choose between male and female. Sadly, the less ‘confusing’ I look, the safer I am in public spaces.” It is a backwards society indeed when the fundamental reality of biological sex is denied and is now viewed itself as “backwards.”

Unfortunately, Hays' vicious hatred -- and the fact that MRC pays her to spew it -- makes all too much sense.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:34 PM EDT

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