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Thursday, June 24, 2021
How Is MRC Writer Gabriel Hays Freaking Out About Transgender People Now?
Topic: Media Research Center

Since Media Research Center writers like Gabriel Hays are paid well to engage in freakouts over transgender stuff in entertainment, readers continue to be subjected to them.

Back in March, the transphobic Hays melted down over Sports Illustrated featuring a transgender swimsuit model:

A mutilated man posing as a woman is on the cover of Sports Illustrated, and Good Morning America is just super excited about it. The ABC morning program referred to “the first black and Asian-American transgender model to appear" in the mag’s swimsuit edition as a “trailblazer.”

In a very pro-trans segment of the morning news show, anchors hyped up their “exclusive reveal” of the first SI transgender swimsuit model. GMA anchor Robin Roberts introduced her, saying “Leyna Bloom is trailblazer, but it wasn’t easy getting here.” Yep, well the political moment is finally here when being a black Asian American trans person with body positivity would be the crown jewel in the left’s identity politics propaganda, so here we go!

Bloom told the GMA host about her belief that society needs to accept the beauty standards that people like her achieve. “We need to constantly remind ourselves to protect those people in our society … that are different, that are beautiful uniquely as themselves.” She also stated the need to “challenge society to make it better for everyone else.”

So being uniquely yourself means becoming someone else? Check.

That, of course, is not how it works. Hays, of course, is not-so-uniquely being a transphobic asshole -- but, hey, that's what the MRC pays him for. A few days later, Hays huffed over the former Ellen Page transitioning and taking the name Eliot:

Trans people are all the rage at the moment and popular magazines are clearing inclusivity hurdles by getting their "First Ever!" trans cover stars. On the same day that Good Morning America did a feature on Sports Illustrated's first ever black & Asian American trans swimsuit model, Time featured its own trans cover star.

Actor Elliot Page broke new ground for liberal rag Time magazine by becoming the publication’s first ever trans male cover star. Who’s Elliot Page? You might better recognize Page if you recall that just a short few months ago, “he” was fine being a biological female that went by the name of Ellen Page, the actress best known for her endearing and quirky role as a pregnant teen in the movie Juno.

Hays showed up again on April 1 to lash out at chef Padma Lakshmi for daring to argue that parents who won't "accept your child for who they're telling you they are" are bad parents:

There’s no question some famous chefs can be great parents. It’s just that Padma Lakshmi isn’t one of them. A harsh judgement? Sure, but since she’s making pronouncements on parental worth based on acceptance of trans propaganda, all’s fair.


Oh OK? So children are telling parents what’s up or what’s down now, huh? Well that’s quite revolutionary from Ms. Lakshmi. It seems like kids are the parents now. How long til Mommy and Daddy’s time out is over?


Parents who earnestly believe that a kid knows his gender and sex are different than what they are, should probably trust their child’s expertise if he claimed to be a dinosaur, or if he claimed to have invincibility powers against the strange chemicals under the sink he’s curious about. 

Hays had another meltdown on April 12 over the GLAAD Media Awards:

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is one Hollywood lobby group that clearly doesn’t give a damn about harming kids.

GLAAD, the leading activist group pushing the LGBTQ agenda in entertainment media, hosted its 32nd annual “GLAAD Media Awards” on April 8. For the uninitiated, the GLAAD Awards is an event put on by the gay lobby in order to recognize the achievements in LGBTQ representation made by entertainment and news media. This year’s event was virtual due to the COVID panic, but the society-destroying propaganda was as explicit and immediate as ever. Even worse, this time much of it was aimed at children.

In addition to lesbian child YouTube star JoJo Siwa using her appearance at the awards show to tell her legions of kid fans that loving whoever you want is “all that matters,” one famous Hollywood transgender star told confused “trans” children that they are “anointed” and “divine,” i.e. that their confusion over their gender makes them special, or set apart.

Of course, anyone still honest enough to admit that transgenderism is more a sign of  psychological issues rather than a blessing sees this as a toxic message, especially for children who are less likely to have a full understanding of who they are at their age.

Hays can't even handle words used in a way he doesn't like if they suggest transgender people are in any way human. From a May 7 meltdown:

It’s hard to believe, but America’s largest pro-abortion lobby has actually found a way to demean women and motherhood even more than by convincing them to kill their children. The leftists of NARAL are now referring to women as “birthing persons” in order to keep up with our ever-wokening society, and conservatives are giving them a hard time for it.

So, we’re going from “pro-choice is pro-woman” to “pro-choice is pro birthing person.” Er, we’re not sure that poster’s going to be a popular one.


Yeah, NARAL clearly upped their stupid game, though that’s saying a lot because they think promoting killing innocent human babies is the right calling in life.

Hays had another language freakout in a June 2 post:

We all know that taxpayer-funded media takes one look at the population that pays for their product and says, “thanks for the money, now, to hell with you.” Case in point, National Public Radio got with GLAAD, Hollywood’s gay lobby, and composed a “guide” on how to properly refer to people and all their new gender pronouns.

Yep, 330 million Americans thank you, NPR, for now trying to rewrite their language to fit the demands of the unfortunate 0.6% of the population that is transgender. (For now -- fads being what they are, that number is subject to wide fluctuation.)


And as far as “anti trans state laws,” NPR is now faulting people for wanting to keep biological men out of women’s sports? Yeah if we don’t throw away reality for 0.6% of the population, we’ve chosen to hate them. Go to hell, NPR, is all we have to say.

Hays wants to throw away transgender people, period, so perhaps he's much further on the path to hell than anyone at NPR.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:28 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 25, 2021 2:48 PM EDT

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