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Saturday, February 13, 2021
MRC Mad That Biden Led A Memorial For COVID Victims
Topic: Media Research Center

The sheer hatred at the Media Research Center for President Biden and any media outlet that doesn't relentlessly trash him that it has to attack a memorial service for victims of coronavirus because Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris attended, MSNBC said something nice about it, and a panelist --gasp! -- referenced the Bible.

Curtis Houck ranted in a Jan. 19 post:

Early Tuesday night, MSNBC was caught after a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris coronavirus memorial event between churning out more of their daily dreck against President Trump and returning to their Obama-era role of state-run TV. 

In the case of the latter, the event was deemed reminiscent of Psalm 147, proof that the federal government felt the pain of those lost to COVID-19, and a call to action against 74 million Trump voters as culpable for the pandemic and American division.

MSNBC contributor and Princeton professor Eddie Glaude was most unhinged, claiming America’s “selfishness” had “suffocated the land was held at arm's length” until Biden and Harris “pulled the grief and regret out of the privacy of our hearts, if just for a moment, so that we all could share it.”

He then invoked the Bible and how the event was akin to what the Psalmist has told us about the Lord: “Oh, what a first step. What a beautiful step. So, I'm going to, you know, I'm reminded of the Psalmist, you know? ‘He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.’ Maybe the dead will speak to us now. Maybe they can rest now.”

Terrible, huh? Houck further whined:

Rewinding back to when the memorial ended, 11th Hour host Brian Williams hailed it as “a beautiful and fitting memorial” and Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace gushed that Biden and Harris “may have just cracked open a lot of people who were holding it all in, and I think this is the first time that anyone in a position of power has spoken to the families of 400,000 Americans who have died from COVID.”

So, according to Wallace, the entire administration — ranging from the President to Vice President Pence to HHS Secretary Azar to Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany — never said a thing about or expressed condolences about the dead? What a pathetic insult.

Wallace added that Biden’s “been processing the grief of the nation's loss due to COVID since the very beginning, because he understands that one loss, two losses, three losses was too many and understood the pain that people were feeling, and now he is our country's president.”

MSNBC contributor and former Obama official Kavita Patel agreed that Biden and Harris (and not any religion or self-reflection) were who “crack[ed] open” America’s “shell” of grief.

Houck failed to mention that the Trump administration could not be bothered to memorialize COVID-19 victims the way this ceremony did. After all, a key part of Houck's MRC job is to emphatically deny that Trump ever did anything divisive or admit that liberal disdain for him has more than a little basis in reality.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:36 AM EST

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