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Friday, January 8, 2021
CNS Tries To Co-Opt The Beatles For Their Anti-Trans Agenda

How much does hate transgender people? It tried to co-opt the Beatles for its agenda.

Pretending this was something entirely new and not a rehash of a 50-year-old song, an anonymously written Dec. 29 CNS article carried the headline "Paul McCartney Tells Man ‘Who Thought She Was a Woman’ to ‘Get Back’ and ‘Go Home’":

The Beatles song “Get Back,” which was written by Paul McCartney and first released in April 1969, talks about a man who thought she was a woman and tells her to “get back” and “go home.”

A promotional video for an upcoming documentary film on The Beatles by Peter Jackson—entitled “The Beatles: Get Back” —was posted recently on YouTube. It shows The Beatles playing “Get Back” in a studio and Paul McCartney singing the lyrics.

In the second verse, McCarney says:

“Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman

But she was another man.

All the girls around her said she’s got it coming

But she gets it while she can.

Get back, get back

Get back to where you once belonged.

Get back, get back

Get back to where you once belonged.

Get back Loretta, go home.

Your mother’s waiting for you.”

That's it. That's what CNS thinks is "news."

Posted by Terry K. at 2:33 AM EST

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