Catholic officials are acknowledging that Joe Biden, a Catholic, won the presidential election, and the pro-Trump is not having it.
When the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops congratulated Biden, CNS editor in chief Terry Jeffrey went on a lengthy Nov. 9 diatribe under the needlessly long headline "Top Catholic Bishop Acknowledges Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay-Marriage Biden as Second ‘President to Profess Catholic Faith’":
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, who currently serves as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued a statement describing Joe Biden—who supports legalized abortion, taxpayer funding of abortion, same-sex marriage, and allowing biological males to play on girls’ sports teams and use girls’ locker rooms—as “the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith.”
“We thank God for the blessings of liberty. The American people have spoken in this election,” said Archbishop Gomez in his statement--which is posted on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
“Now is the time for our leaders to come together in a spirit of national unity and to commit themselves to dialogue and compromise for the common good,” said Gomez.
Jeffrey further ranted that "During his presidential campaign, Joe Biden staked out a number of positions that directly contradict Catholic moral teachings laid out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church," such as supporting gay marriage when "The Catholic Catechism, by contrast, holds that marriage is between a man and a women and that homosexual acts are “acts of grave depravity” that “are contrary to the natural law.”, and that "Biden also supports letting biological males who are “transgender” claim to be females on government identity documents—and to play on girls’ sports teams and use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms" when "The Catholic Catechism cites Genesis 5:2 in stating: “Male and female he created them.”
The same day, an anonymously written article complained that the Vatican News website "has posted a headline today that says: US Bishops welcome Biden: ‘It’s time for unity,’” adding that "In his campaign—as noted by materials posted on his campaign website—former Vice President Biden supported legalized abortion, taxpayer funding of abortion and same-sex marriage. These things all violate Catholic moral teachings."
On Nov. 10, managing editor Michael W. Chapman gave space for an anti-abortion group to go on a hateful tirade against the bishops for the sin of congratulating Biden:
In response to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issuing a statement that congratulates Joe Biden and claims he is the second U.S. "president to profess the Catholic faith," leaders at the American Life League said this proves that the organization is "a feckless, spineless, conglomerate of dead souls."
Joe Biden is a Catholic who supports abortion, gay "marriage," gay adoption, and allowing biological males (transgender "women") to play on real women's sports teams and use their locker rooms, all of which is contrary to Catholic moral teaching.
American Life League President Judie Brown said, "The USCCB has affirmed what many of us have suspected for many years, and that is that most Catholic bishops have no problem with a Catholic politician spitting at the face of Christ by supporting the vile murder of the preborn."
"Joe Biden is such a man; he claims to be Catholic, yet he gives 100 percent support for abortion every day of the week and in every manner of brutality against the innocent," said Brown. "The Catholic bishops have erred, and as a Catholic, I am ashamed of them."
ALL Executive Vice President Hugh Brown said, "The reality of the USCCB issuing a statement of congratulations to Joe Biden should not be a surprise to anyone. The USCCB is a feckless spineless conglomerate of dead souls. They are not the descendants of the Apostles."
Chapman and Jeffrey never explained why the simple, polite act of congratulating a newly elected president must be retaliated against with such ridiculous partisan venom.