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Saturday, June 30, 2018
CNS Lets Documented Liar Aryeh Spero Pretend He Cares About The Truth

For some reason, really, really loves loopy right-wing, Obama conspiracy-obsessed rabbi Aryeh Spero. Now, it's given Spero another platform in the form a June 21 article by intern Jonathan Mizrahi, in which he is allowed to complain that the likening of immigrant detention enters to Nazi concentration camps is "abhorrent" -- but is really acting as a (as far as we know) unpaid shill defending President Trump's zero-tolerance border policy:

“The Nazis separated families as part of a first phase of forced labor and murder of Jews, an entire race,” said Rabbi Spero.  “We, in contrast, are taking care of these children ---perhaps better than they're normally taken care of --- during the limited days of necessary investigation.”

“No animus is intended on our part or on the part of President Trump, Attorney General Sessions, or the Department of Homeland Security,” said Spero.  “Mr. Hayden's offense was not simply against Holocaust survivors and those murdered but America itself.”

“It is unethical to make accusations that are lies and purposely degrading,” said the rabbi.  “One wonders how a man with such lack of judgment, clarity and common sense was head of the NSA and CIA? Just another Deep Stater (a ‘Deeper’) who places politics above truth.”

Funny how Spero is suddently concerned about ethics and the truth when he himself is an unethical liar. We've caught him lying about President Obama and his relationship with Israel, as well as spreading the malicious falsehood that George Soros was in "collaboration with the Nazis in Hungary during WW II."

Needless to say, Mizrahi didn't mention Spero's history of politically motivated fabrication amid his hypocritical attacks on those who place "politics above truth."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:03 AM EDT

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