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Monday, May 21, 2018
Massie's Whataboutism Turns Into Historical Revisionism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mychal Massie's May 14 WorldNetDaily column is one long tirade of whataboutism -- and revisionist history -- an attempt to deflect from President Trump's history of lies and deceit by highlighting "what the pretenders before him did." For instance:

George W. Bush let two border agents rot in prison in defiance of a national chorus, my voice included, calling for justice for two brave public servants. Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean were sentenced to 11- and 12-year prison sentences, respectively. They shot – not killed, mind you – a Mexican illegal-alien dope smuggler who was apprehended as he attempted to smuggle several hundred pounds of marijuana across the border. The illegal-alien dope smuggler, named Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, was shot in the buttocks, i.e., butt, behind, arse, as he attempted to flee the agents.

The illegal-alien dope smuggler was granted a temporary conditional visitor’s visa in exchange for testifying against the brave border agents. The agents were fired and imprisoned Jan. 17, 2007. Ramos and Compean were found guilty of not being forthcoming regarding what had taken place at the time the illegal Mexican dope smuggler was wounded in his behind. He was wounded because he tried to escape.

Ramos and Compean were pilloried by a rogue judicial system, after being placed in a situation in which they understood that the Bush administration was trying to force amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders upon American citizenry. Thus the reason they made the decision to file a false report in attempt to cover up exactly what had happened.

Despite four years of united outcries from all quarters of America, including both sides of the political aisle, starting in 2005, Bush let the agents be persecuted and imprisoned, waiting until his last day in office to commute their sentences. This, despite the fact that Richard Skinner, Department of Homeland Security inspector general, later admitted and “apologized” that he had knowingly misled Congress per what factually happened.

Massie conveniently ignores the part where Ramos and Compean covered up their involvement by picking up their shell casings and failing to file an incident report, as well as the fact that pursuing fleeing suspects violated Border Patrol policy.

Massie also huffed: "Obama allowed a U.S. Marine veteran who had served honorably in Afghanistan to languish in a Mexican prison for nearly one year – during which time he was assaulted and held in solitary confinement. His crime was becoming directionally confused and unwittingly crossing the Mexican border with a firearm."

This is a reference to a Marine named Andrew Tahmooressi; as we noted the last time Massie referenced this case, even Tahmooressi's own lawyer belileved that diplomacy would have no effect on his case. After his release from Mexico, Tahmooressi later served a short prison term in Indiana for drug possession

Massie highlighted that "Donald J. Trump, citizen, wrote a personal check to help Sgt. Tahmooressi and family." He didn't mention that Trump's tweets about the case may have made it more difficult to get Tahmooressi freed.

Massie also indulged in his usual Clinton derangement, ranting that "Bill Clinton raped, battered and molested women, while Hillary sheltered him and personally denigrated his victims."

Massie concluded his column by declaring: "I am proud of President Trump. I wish the Constitution allowed him to serve several terms. If that were possible it might delay the impending doom that awaits the world and America when the Lord returns for His own."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 AM EDT

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