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Tuesday, February 13, 2018
WND, CNS Credit God for Super Bowl Win
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Donald Trump's election isn't the only thing WorldNetDaily is crediting God for. A Feb. 5 WND article expands that to the Philadelphia Eagles' Super Bowl win:

The Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles became known this year as one of the most spiritual teams in the league, with group baptisms, team Bible studies and group accountability.

In March, tight end Zach Ertz committed his life to Christ.

“I was baptized in March, got married the next day. Our marriage has been built on that foundation from the Word and Jesus and it’s changed my life. And just to have these guys hold me accountable on a daily basis has been phenomenal,” Ertz told CBN News.

A few months later, wide receiver Marcus Johnson was baptized in a North Carolina swimming pool ahead of a game against the Carolina Panthers.

Five teammates — linebackers Jordan Hicks, Mychal Kendricks and Kamu Grugier-Hill, and wide receivers Paul Turner and David Watford — were baptized in the Philadelphia Eagles’ recovery pool late last year, according to reports.

Quarterback Carson Wentz didn’t play in this Super Bowl against the New England Patriots because of a torn ACL in Week 14, but his backup quarterback Nick Foles loves to share his faith and wants to be a youth pastor after his football career is over.

Embedded in the article was a link to a 2015 WND article featuring an unofficial chaplain for one NFL team insisting that God really does care who wins the Super Bowl: "If God knows that something going one way or another will bring him more glory or honor than another alternative, he has every reason to be involved in such a way that his name will be raised high."

Meanwhile,, which has a tradition of sorts in highlighting athletes who invoke God when they win -- or, in the case of Tim Tebow, even if they lose -- was on it when Eagles players did thaf very thing:

So intent is CNS on promoting heavily religious sports figures that it even did so for a Minnesota Vikings player after the team won a playoff game: "Vikings QB: ‘3rd Best Moment of My Life Behind Giving My Life to Jesus Christ and Marrying My Wife’."

Posted by Terry K. at 7:37 PM EST

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