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Saturday, February 10, 2018
Newsmax's Hirsen Says Accused Sexual Harasser Losing His Job Is 'Tragic'
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax columnist James Hirsen is nothing if not a loyal right-winger, at least on thte sexual harassment front. He's still bashing Anita Hill after all these years, and he tried to slut-shame one of Roy Moore's accusers.

Hirsen's sympathy for accused sexual harassers -- the conservative-leaning ones, anyway -- continues in a Feb. 6 tweet, in which he links to an NBC News tweet announcing that casino mogul Steve Wynn was stepping down from his casino company after multiple accusations of sexual harassment. (He had previously stepped down as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee when the allegations first surfaced.) Hirsen's added reaction: "This is tragic."

Hirsen has yet to explain what he thinks is "tragic" about an accused sexual harasser losing his job.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:42 AM EST

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