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Friday, December 29, 2017
WND Brings Back Fabulist Author To Rant About 'Luciferianism" Among 'Elites'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Paul Nehlen is not the only WorldNetDaily-published author to have gone off the deep end this week. But while Nehlen is spouting white nationalist and anti-Semitic rhetoric -- about which WND has yet to publicly address despite its heavy promotion of him earlier this year -- this author's extreme rhetoric is more in line with WND's conspiracy-obsessed agenda.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch is a Trump fanboy who was reportedly up for nomination as President Trump's ambassador to the European Union until he was busted for exaggerating his biography in, among other places, his WND-published autobiography. (It turns out that, apparently, Malloch was never even seriously considered for the ambassadorship.)

WND didn't say anything about Malloch's self-fabulism at the time, but apparently all is forgiven, because a Dec. 25 article approvingly quotes Malloch peddling conspiracy theories on (where else?) Alex Jones' show, asserting that "global elites" are being influenced by "Luciferianism." Then, it was a full-on descent into the zombie-lie territory WND is very well known for:

Malloch said the leaked emails of John Podesta, as revealed by Wikileaks, contain powerful evidence there is something sick and wrong in America’s political class.

The emails contain bizarre references to the occult and possible allusions to child abuse using coded language.

“They prove he is involved, very deeply involved, as a committed Luciferian,” Malloch intoned. “Among other things is the invitation by Marina Abramovic to what is called a ‘spirit cooking’ ritual, which I think is the most revealing.

“This is a ritual in which participants use the vilest human body fluids in order to summon spiritual energies for assistance and favor. To any sane person, this sounds completely ludicrous. But to a Luciferian, this is the practice of enlightenment. This is something that initiates them. It’s something that they understand.

“The whole idea is to be possessed by Lucifer himself. And these practices of a Luciferian religion, of an anti-Christianity, I would argue are the absolute inversion of Christianity.”

Malloch further contended cannibalism and pedophilia are “common practices amongst Luciferians.”

As we pointed out the last time someone at WND claimed this, Podesta took part in no such thing. 

Malloch then went on to falsely claim that Saul Alinsky made a "dedication" of his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer -- even as the article goes on to quote from the book in which it's made clear that Alinsky's "over the shoulder acknowledgement" of Lucifer as "the very first radical" was not a dedication (the book is actually dedicated to "Irene") and Jones is quoted as conceding that the reference was, in the words of the anonymous WND writer, done "in a cheeky way, simply meant to provoke."

But zombie lies and false biography-gilding are acceptable behavior at WND, even if it would not be at any genuinely legitimate news organization.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:19 AM EST

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