Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily columnist Jesse Lee Peterson has long had issues with women. The recent spate of sexual harassment scandals has inflamed those issues yet again.
In his Nov. 5 column, Peterson lamented "the continued destruction of so-called 'men in power' by the radical left and wicked media" like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. He then lashed out at the women making those allegations and wondered where the "female Harvey Weinsteins" are:
This “accuser culture” is not about truth, justice or righting any wrongs. If it were, we’d see women too being exposed and dealt with. Why is nobody pointing out how selfish many of these women are for seeking career and position rather than forsaking worldly gain to stand for what’s right? If you truly put morality above selfish ambition, no “powerful man” in Hollywood can intimidate or silence you. But these women (and “men”) were silent for years and decades.
When God dealt with Adam and Eve after their fall, did he only address Adam? No, he dealt with both, and he did not accept excuses or casting of blame. And “I was afraid” was no reason to hide.
Furthermore, where are the female so-called “sexual predators” in Hollywood and media? Fox News, the Drudge Report and others have shown story after story of female teachers exploiting underage male students for sex. Do you really believe no women in Hollywood or media are guilty as well? It’s time to stop hiding this wickedness and hypocrisy. The left does not care about stopping evil. Leftists care about corrupting and maligning everything good about masculinity.
Rape, sexual exploitation, pedophilia and pederasty are not just a “male” or homosexual things: Women do these too – more frequently than you may think. And despite the supposed “locker-room” culture of bragging about sex, boys and men suffer at least as much humiliation and pain at the hands of women as vice versa.
Peterson ramped up his hatred for women in his Nov. 12 column:
So-called “empowerment of women” has nearly brought America to her knees. Women have been allowed to make up any accusation against men, and half the country believes them without any evidence.
Corrupt judges, politicians and media encourage this madness. Accusations against men destroy the good reputations of decent men. They distance supporters from good leaders, wives from husbands, children from their fathers. This separation kills the souls of children, who grow up angry, aimless and out of control. Suspicions play on the imaginations and worries of women in relationships. False accusations breed malice and distrust between men and women.
How do you protect yourself from vindictive, selfish women and their wicked lies?
First, you don’t have sex with a woman until marriage. That way, you and she stay less emotionally involved. Liberals have a very low moral standard, or excuse, for sex under any circumstance. They call their low standard “consent,” whereas God’s standard is marriage. God gave us his commandments to help us live a good life and protect us from evil. Do not fall for Satan’s excuses and phony imitation of morality. Even so-called “consensual sex” outside marriage opens you up to all kinds of calamity. The daughter of Satan with whom you slept can change her mind, turn around and accuse you of insane things when the relationship sours. While not every woman will do this, you cannot afford to place your trust in any woman – if you trust the woman, you don’t trust God. Whether you know it or not, she will see your weakness, judge you and never respect you.
Peterson then tried to smear one accuser of Roy Moore by citing ... Newsmax columnist James Hirsen's unproven, slut-shaming claim that she has been "charged with multiple misdeameanors," then adding: "I remind you that if you support Democrats, you support evil. These women are evil."
Yep, the guy still has issues with women.