Topic: WorldNetDaily
David Kupelian's Nov. 1 column is excerpted from the October issue of WorldNetDaily's little-read Whistleblower magazine, with the theme of "good news." one of those "good news" things, apparently, includes "'What Trump has accomplished in just 8 months' – a comprehensive look at genuinely good news you will never hear from the establishment media."
Kupelian -- who sold out his sense of morality to back a thrice-married adulterer and misogynist for president -- embodied that in his column. After citing the usual heartwarming examples of good people doing good things, Kupelian concluded his column this way:
Of course, the best news of the last year is the election of Donald Trump as president, who on Nov. 8, 2016, did what none of the other 16 capable and honorable Republican presidential candidates could have pulled off: He won the election and denied the presidency to Hillary Clinton. He defeated the person anointed and predestined by the D.C. establishment in a rigged game where seemingly the entire Washington “swamp” – including not just the Democratic Party, the globalist elite, the entire press corps, the outgoing Obama administration and the “deep state,” but scandalously many Republicans as well – were arrayed in battle against him.
Why was electing Trump the best news of the year? In case you have forgotten, Hillary Clinton is not just a committed left-winger who would have continued Obama’s utterly disastrous foreign and domestic agenda. She’s also a criminal. Yes, criminal – you know, the kind of person who should be in prison. The Clinton crime currently being publicized – that in return for over a hundred million dollars she gave a fifth of America’s strategic uranium to an enemy state, Russia – is just one out of dozens of crimes spanning decades. And beyond her and her husband’s corruption and rank criminality, Hillary lies, literally, as easily as most people breathe.
One more thing: For a vivid reminder of the truly dark alternate reality we were spared – America under the rule of President Hillary Clinton – read my scariest article of the last year, “President Hillary: America’s Nurse Ratched,” in which I flesh out the chilling parallels between Hillary Clinton as president and Nurse Louise Rached, the notorious villain in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” The head administrative nurse in a mental hospital, Nurse Ratched is hands-down the craziest and most dangerous person in the whole “Cuckoo’s Nest.” That is the alternate future Americans were spared – thanks to a merciful God, and to the tireless and courageous efforts of Donald J. Trump.
Think about that the next time you’re offended by one of his early-morning tweets.
Well, we read that column. It was a paranoid, hateful rant in which he attacked Hillary as "vainglorious" and disdainful of "any higher standard of truth." as well as a "malignant" narcissist who is "always phony, manipulative, calculating, blaming, deflecting – always lying."
That describes his idol Donald Trump too, but Kupelian is too invested in the fantasy to ever admit that.
Kupelian will continue to use WND to deceive and lie in order to boost Trump and smear his critics, as well as hurl all the slime he can find at Hillary. We're just not seeing the good news in this sleazy journalistic amorality.