Topic: WorldNetDaily
Beware of a doctor who channels Jerome Corsi.
We've noted how Jane Orient of the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has followed in Corsi's footsteps in promoting conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton's health. Now Orient is embracing a non-medical Clinton conspiracy theory promoted by Corsi: that Danney Williams is Bill Clinton's illegitimate son.
In an Oct. 17 WorldNetDaily column framed as concern-trolling over why Hillary is "denying or 'banishing' her own biracial child – or stepchild," Orient regurgitates Corsi's hit job right down to pretending there really isn't a political motive in the issue coming up now and insisting the DNA test performed in 1999 cleared Clinton:
But who will believe the testimony of a poor black woman who sold her body to earn money to feed her children and even served time in jail? Or that of other lower-class black folks? Who will trust the childhood memories of a biracial man who spent a lot of time in foster care? In contrast, women’s reports of being touched “inappropriately” by Donald Trump decades ago, surfacing for the first time just prior to the election, are given credence and endless media coverage. Is that because the women are white, or because they are attacking a Republican?
Apparently, nobody has asked Hillary about Danney. Perhaps she would give her standard answer: “I don’t recall.”
Williams is asking Bill Clinton for a blood sample for forensic paternity testing. It is claimed that “DNA testing” has already disproved the relationship. However, the test used to show that the semen on Monica Lewinsky’s dress was probably Bill Clinton’s is reportedly not accurate for ruling out paternity.[...]
Is the question about Clinton’s paternity politically motivated? The timing of Alex Jones’ interview probably is. But Danney Williams has been asking for recognition for decades, and has had a Facebook page for two years – and nobody much cared.
If Bill Clinton knows he is not Danney’s father, he could destroy the credibility of the “alt-right” media by giving a blood sample. If he is Danney’s father, the right thing to do is to acknowledge his fine son and five precious black grandchildren. Was he not said to be the country’s “first black president”?
Hillary says she’s a champion for all children, and women, and minorities, and she wants to be the president of all Americans. Does she have a problem with being stepmother to Danney Williams?
The AAPS has long had antipathy toward the Clintons, deviating from merely opposing health care reform in the 1990s to pontificating on the death of Vince Foster.
Orient's conspiracy-mongering may be good for WND, but probably less so for anyone who's seeking medical advice from her. Who wants a doctor that sounds like Jerome Corsi?