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Friday, October 14, 2016
WND Peddles Discredited Tale of Bill Clinton's Illegitimate Son
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Two signs that a WorldNetDaily article has a high probability of being misleading, if not outright false: 1) Jerome Corsi wrote it, and 2) Joel Gilbert is his source.

In 2012, Corsi promoted Gilbert's fraudulent anti-Obama film that promoted false, sleazy attacks against Barack Obama's family, and just before the 2012 election, Corsi pushed the Gilbert-sourced claim that Obama has Islamic writing on his wedding ring -- a claim so false Corsi's fellow birthers felt compelled to discredit it.

Now, in an Oct. 11 WND article, Corsi latches onto a video made by Gilbert about Danney Williams, who was pushed by Clinton conspirators in the 1990s as Bill Clinton's illegitimate son -- an identity Williams has apparently latched onto, presumably with a lot of coaching from Gilbert.

Just one problem with that: a DNA test conducted by the Star tabloid found no genetic link between Clinton and Williams. Accuracy in Media promoted the results, first reported by the Drudge Report.

Ah, but Corsi has a response to that too. In a separate article, he hunted down then-editor of the Star, who now insists that he saw no lab report from the 1999 test, despite him being quoted at the time as saying "There was no match, nothing even close," and that the Star never published a story about test. Corsi also claims that "the results made public came from the less reliable method known as a 'polymerase chain reaction' test, or PRC, that experts do not consider sufficiently robust to determine paternity."

Corsi then went into conspiracy territory, noting that "About a month after the 'DNA showdown,' The Star was purchased by the investment group Evercore Capital Partners LLC, headed by former Deputy Secretary Roger C. Altman, a longtime friend of Bill Clinton," with the suggestion that there was something fishy about the timing. Needless to say, Corsi offers nothing to back that up.

It's obvious that Corsi and Gilbert latched onto the Williams story for the sole purpose of desperately trying to distract from the mounting sexual harassment allegations against their favored candidate, Donald Trump. It's yet another sign of how desperate WND has become and how little it cares about the truth.

Say it with us: No wonder nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 AM EDT

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