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Thursday, December 17, 2015
MRC's Bozell Sends Jerk To Las Vegas To Be A Jerk To Chris Matthews
Topic: Media Research Center

After the Republican presidential debate on CNBC, Media Reserach Center chief Brent Bozell denounced the CNBC moderators as "smarmy, condescending, arrogant," and the MRC later released a so-called "study" of the debate complaining that too many of the questions asked involved "negative spin, personal insults or ad hominem attacks."

That's no longer a bad thing at the MRC.

Earlier this month, Bozell wrote a Facebook post sneeringly calling MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry "Melissa Al-Jazeera." This week, Bozell sent second-rate Jesse Watters wannabe Dan Joseph --  best known around here for his douche-y mocking of transgenders by lamely pretending to be one who wants to use a women's restroom -- to Las Vegas for the Republican presidential debate, for the sole apparent purpose of ambushing Chris Matthews with the question of whether he still feels a thrill up his leg (a reference to a comment Matthews once made about President Obama). Being a douche, Joseph presses the issue even after getting his desired response of being told to go to hell by Matthews: "Are you limping? Did the thrill go away with surgery or did it just going go away on its own?"

Remember this the next time Bozell complains about the "liberal media" purportedly not being respectful enough to conservatives. He's nothing but a hypocrite. A guy who sent a minion across the country for the sole purpose of acting like a jerk has not earned the respect he demands.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:40 PM EST

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