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Tuesday, April 21, 2015
CNS'Just Can't Stop Obsessing Over LGBT-Related Federal Spending

It appears that deputy managing editor Melanie Hunter has farmed out her obsession with portraying any and all federal spending on LGBT-related issues as wasteful to an underling, Rudy Takala. Thus, we have Takala's April 20 article:

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is devoting $156,929 to study the best ways to convince gay Latino men to wear condoms and get tested for HIV.

“Latinos are diagnosed with HIV at a rate that is three times that of non-Latino whites and they tend to be diagnosed later,” according to NIH’s description of the six-month project that “will focus on promoting sexual health and be positioned as an outreach intervention that promotes HIV testing in an accepting environment.”

And as usual with such articles, the comment thread at the end is starting to fill up with anti-gay and homophobic commenters. Encouraging such comments seems to be the main point of such articles at CNS, since very few, if any, of the most offensive comments ever get deleted.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:29 PM EDT

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